Sunday, July 22, 2012

37 Weeks-We're FULL TERM!!!!!

How far along? 37 Weeks
Weight loss/gain? +40 pounds, and holding steady
Maternity clothes? Most definitely! And with that being said, I'm going to make a VERY non me statement by saying, "Bring it on Fall!!" I'm ready to purchase some cute clothes and am TOTALLY over summer this year...maybe my love will return next year?
Stretch Marks? Not yet, and hopefully not at all ; )
Sleep? What's that? I never stay still in bed anymore for longer than about an hour and a half to two at a time. Between waking up randomly for no reason, to waking up worrying over the.most.random. things, to bathroom breaks, to waking up for contractions....clearly there is very little time left for the physical act of sleeping
Best moment this week? Weekly doctor appointment duh! It's my new thing to look forward to!
Miss Anything? I miss so much from pre pregnancy, but on the other hand, the fact that we are going to start our family and meet our little girl in a month or less trumps all of that!
Movement? Constantly! This chick wants out!
Food Cravings? Still chomping ice, morning chocolate milk ritual, and I'd all but trade all my meals in on steady servings of sweets and carbs!! Who am I? Never have I been a big bread fan till now!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not too bad this week, just get super full super fast and pretty much anything makes me have reflux
Have you started to show yet?  Maybe I should just remove this question for remainder of pregnancy, cuz that's a big fat DUH!!
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? Braxton Hicks contractions daily. This weeks exam showed me dilated to a 1 still but 70% effaced. Dr. B said he was super impressed with that kind of progress for a first time mom and was happy for the effacement even with no extra dilation
Symptoms? Super swollen of course and just general 9 month pregnant uncomfortable. I guess you could also say reflux and heartburn are pretty much at a high. Maybe soon she'll drop on down and relieve a little of that pressure.

Belly Button in or out? Outie and pretty obviously! 
Wedding rings on or off? Off, I've given up!!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! I've had lots of talks with myself about becoming a mom and I'm starting to get really anxious about it all, ready to meet our daughter!
Looking forward to? Having her in our arms safe and sound!

That's right peeps! We are now considered FULL TERM! This means our baby could arrive at any time and be totally healthy and ready to thrive in this big ol' world! I can tell when I peek at her on ultrasound that she is definitely practicing her respirations well This is definitely a milestone I was super excited to get to. And after a quick ultrasound with Saundra for measurements because I managed to freak myself out one day when I thought her fluid was low and placenta was aging, we found out that she measured right on to dates at 7 lbs 10 oz.... : )

So at 37 weeks we are SOO READY! Here are our 37th week highlights!

First of all, we started out the week by nailing down one of my top to do's on my pregnancy list, which was, making the trip to see this..................

OMG! SOOOOOOOOOO Funny! I'm so glad we made it a point to see this! Mind you, in true "me" fashion, I procrastinated long enough that we had to go to the dollar theater to see it but on the other hand it was sort of nice because we made a Sunday afternoon date about it and got to see a movie with concessions for $9 total. Not a bad deal if you ask me! I so enjoyed it and could totally identify with so much going on in the movie. If you are pregnant or have ever been pregnant, you gotta see this! It's so cute! After the movie we went and met Dustin, Lauren, and Adler and had a yummy dinner at Olive Garden, another pregnancy bucket list stop for me! It was a GREAT day!

Let me also just share with you my lovely leg swelling pic from this week..oh dear, I said I wasn't gonna do this but this pretty well blew me away. I figure Presley deserved to know what I went through on a daily basis to get her here. So this picture was taken after I had simply gripped my leg and this was what my thumb left behind

Gross huh?? All I could say was wow, pretty sure this is not supposed to happen. If this doesn't show the fluid in my extremities, I don't know what does!

Another 37 week highlight was my doctor visit! Dilated to a 1 and 70% effaced really excited me. It's not a lot but progress is progress, after so many women that I scan week after week that are to their due date and have made either very little progress or none at all. Especially first time moms. Dr. Breniman said that with that progress we may go to my due date but not past it! YAY for not having 41 weeks to look forward to.

This week we also made a trip which I was really skeptical about. We decided to take a trip to the lake and take Auggie swimming and the nephews out for a quick boat ride. Wasn't real sure how I would feel about this and I was super scared but at the same time we didn't have anything to do on Saturday and going for a swim did seem nice. I knew we wouldn't do much riding so I was pretty safe on that. Boating is definitely NOT as much fun when you are 9 months pregnant, but it was so great to see the boys having a good time! I was so scared we would let the summer get away without taking them out. Here are a couple pics I snapped quickly from the day, the rest of my time was spent being paranoid that Auggie would fly out or my water would break right there on the boat! Not much time for photo ops!
Little A

Auggie's first boat ride

Sweet guys!
ANNNNDDD...I can FINALLY say that we are DONE with the nursery!! YAY! I have several pics I want to post so I'm doing that post separate this week but it's coming! I promise I'm not trying to tease, just OCD about keeping things organized!  It feels so great to have it done, yet so sad too : ( it's been our little every weekend project for a couple months and I have to say it's been so fun watching it come together, spending time with Jessica on the weekends, making food runs for her and Jason and cooking yummy desserts for them, and really just watching this whole room transition. I promise I'm going to make the post soon, I better at least, hopefully there will be a baby soon and my head will be other places for oh, the next 18 plus years!

We also got our maternity photos back this week and I really just want to add ALLLL of them to this blog because I was so happy with them, but that would just be silly, so I'll try to add just a few favs!

Yep, that's you in there P baby! Luckily at 32 weeks and not quite as big and strong as you are at 37 weeks! So ready to meet you my dear!

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