How far along? 36 Weeks
Weight loss/gain? +40 pounds, and holding steady
Maternity clothes? Are you kidding me? Actually starting to run out of things to mix and match for outings...I'm refusing to purchase any more though!
Stretch Marks? Not yet, and hopefully not at all ; )
Sleep? What's that? I never stay still in bed anymore for longer than about an hour and a half to two at a time. Lately I've also been waking up wide awake anywhere from 2:30-3:30 and staying awake for about an hour before falling back asleep. Maybe it's preparation for the late night feedings we will soon be taking part in.
Best moment this week? Final touches on her room, washing her clothes and blankets, and making decisions for what all will go in our hospital bags
Miss Anything? I miss so much from pre pregnancy, but on the other hand, the fact that we are going to start our family and meet our little girl in a month or less trumps all of that!
Movement? Constantly! Her favorite move is to push her left foot out against the left side of my belly, Jason and I like to watch her do it at night and push back against it!
Food Cravings? Still chomping ice and the new one this week is a big glass of chocolate milk while I am putting my makeup on in the morning
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not too bad this week, just get super full super fast and pretty much anything makes me have reflux
Have you started to show yet? Maybe I should just remove this question for remainder of pregnancy, cuz that's a big fat DUH!!
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? Braxton Hicks contractions daily, some painful, mostly not though. Still dilated to a 1 on this weeks exam. Also, lost a portion of the mucous plug this week. Maybe TMI, but c'mon, you're reading a blog about pregnancy...what'd you expect??
Symptoms? Lots of swelling still, my feet have gotten super uncomfortable. I also noticed this week how sore they have gotten. Mostly on the top of my foot, maybe from all the extra pressure of water weight?? In areas they hurt more than any sore muscle I've ever had. In general, I start out the day pretty strong but too much activity, even working, wears me down super quick. It's hard to know how much you WANT to do yet your body is literally stopping you. A little in small doses goes a long way!
Belly Button in or out? Outie and pretty obviously!
Wedding rings on or off? Off, I've given up!!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! I've had lots of talks with myself about becoming a mom and I'm starting to get really anxious about it all, ready to meet our daughter!
Looking forward to? Having her in our arms safe and sound!
Did I mention I was ready? LOL! Seriously though, 4 weeks out and the one thing that comes to mind is Are we there yet??? Sometimes I feel like I've been pregnant for about 15 and one half months...other days I feel like it has really gone by pretty quickly. I think overall I am just really ready to have her here safely. I have to admit that I'm more than a little apprehensive on most days mainly because I do see some OB problems in my job. Even in late 3rd trimester when you would not expect it. A sad story at work goes a long way and really makes me want to have my baby here where I have more control over her environment. Even though I know she has to grow enough to get to a point that we can effectively care for her, I still get a little anxious from time to time.
The beginning of this week we had our last shower for baby P! My mom's teacher co workers threw us a super sweet, beautiful shower in Sheridan at the home of one of my mom's best friends. It was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon! I have to say, I am usually not big on being the center of attention but I really have enjoyed these baby showers. Not for my benefit, but for the fact that baby stuff is just so darn fun! I just thought I loved a wedding shower, WHOA!! I was wrong. Playing in all the little bitties is just too cool and we have been overly blessed by such sweet friends and family. Here are a few pictures from our afternoon.
Me and all of the hostesses |
Beautiful Table |
Delicious Cake! |
The picture that Allison, our niece drew of our new family! Love it! |
I'm cracking up because this onesie from my mom says "I get the drama from my mama"....oh so true!!! LOL |
Presley's first birthday outfit from Aunt Randi! We LOVE IT!!! |
We also finally started putting together some baby gear this week!
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And someone was VERRRY curious!! |
you look absolutely amazing Kelly! I bet she will be here very soon!!! So excited for you and Jason and both of your families!