How far along? 34 Weeks-That means 6 more weeks! WOW
Weight loss/gain? +40 pounds, and I'm convinced a minimum of 5 pounds of that has to be swelling according to the size of my hands and feet everyday. My Dr. seemed to agree.
Maternity clothes? Oh yes. Quite honestly though if I'm not in work clothes it's a stretch to get me to get dressed for anything, nothing is just super comfortable. Especially not shoes!
Stretch Marks? Not yet, and hopefully not at all ; )
Sleep? It seems sleep this week was better achieved on the couch, several nights I had to get out of bed and go sleep on the couch because I wasn't sleeping well. Strangely, I sleep like a rock on the couch
Best moment this week? Another great baby shower, at work this time. I have such sweet sweet co workers and they did an amazing job!
Miss Anything? I've said it before and I'll say it again...endurance! And MOST definitely my ankles....they are HUGE daily, all day!
Movement? Constantly! She likes to kick her little foot out towards the left side of my belly and it's so fun to feel it and know that those are her little bones going to work in there
Food Cravings? Just ice and sweets! One night driving home from work this week I picked up my own dinner and all I could think of that I wanted was a milkshake. Nothing else, just a milkshake. SOOOOO...I went to chick fil a and got chicken nuggets for protein for Presley and a milkshake for me. I know it's bad but it was just that kinda day!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not too bad this week
Have you started to show yet? Um yeah, and some people sure don't fail to comment either....
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? No
Belly Button in or out? Still rocking the outie.
Wedding rings on or off? Well I only wore my engagement ring a few days this week. It's just getting too tight and I can certainly tell the difference on these 100+ temp days!
Happy or moody most of the time? I'd def say this was a moody week. Amplified by a few particular things...everyone has their off moments but I was just down and out this week. A little emotional to boot
Looking forward to? Short term: finishing up the nursery. Long term: SOOO many family events. I've started to think about places we will go with her and spending time with her. It's all so surreal really!
Ladies and Gentlemen, this program is brought to you by the letter W....
No, you're not tuned in to your local PBS station, however, I am using a cheesy sesame street reference in order to make my point. I got to thinking what could sum up this week and it seemed that everything revolved around the letter W ironically enough. For example.....
*Watch what you say to pregnant women
This point really hit home this week. Let me just say that I always knew that when I got pregnant someone, somewhere, along the road would have some stupid, "OMG you're so big" comment...why did I know this? Because I've heard it all my life, heard my friends deal with it from friends/relatives/perfect strangers, and overall just my general knowledge of the fact that most people start talking before they start thinking. So knowing this, I sorta tried to prepare myself for what I knew would come some day. Some stupid comment that I could choose to take to heart or brush off and go on and laugh with them. I guess I sorta thought that since I expected it at some point I would deal ok. Also, I'm SOOO used to being the butt of a joke and people lovingly picking on me that usually that stuff just doesn't bother me. I'm very good at being able to laugh at myself and I really don't wear my feelings on my shoulders. Plus I cant stand to be the person who can't take a joke and gets worked up for no reason. Growing up, I was one of 5 children at times and always an easy target for pranks and jokes. My siblings trained me well because as an adult these things just have never gotten to me. In other words, I knew things could sound harsh but I hoped I would handle them gracefully....well, let me just tell ya.....I WAS WRONG!!! Now that I'm 34 weeks pregnant, feeling super large and uncomfortable on most days, having trouble completing simple tasks, and more swollen then I ever thought possible....emotions are somewhat higher and my feelings have taken up temporary residence right on my shoulders. So this week I battled a couple "not so nice" comments. Not at all meant to be mean, I would say, just not well thought out before being executed. I don't know if it was just a bad day for me or what but I emotionally crashed. To the point of sadness, plus madness. Yes, I know I'm pregnant and I look different than I've ever looked. I know my belly looks bigger every me, I see it in the mirror every week and am reminded every time it's harder to bend over and pick up one of the 1 million objects I drop in a day, or every time I have trouble and have to ask for a hand lifting up from a laying position. So, no matter how much of a joke you think it is...Don't ask a woman how much farther she has to go and then act like your shocked by her answer in a negative way, don't tell a pregnant woman that she looks heavy, don't ask if she's sure she's not having twins....when you KNOW she's sure! How about next time you're on a diet and someone asks you, How many more weeks till you meet your goal weight? It certainly wouldn't be well received when you answered if the other person were to look at you like, oh wow, there's no way you'll make it to that....same respect for pregnant women people! Seriously! Ironically enough, the particular day that I dealt with this for the first time. I had just been dealt the comment and of course, laughed it off and smiled along, when I was walking down the hall feeling so low, I heard someone call my name behind me, and I turned around really quick. The person, who was no where around when the ugly comment was delivered, was behind me and was specifically calling my name to yell to me down the hallway, "You look really cute today Kelly, I like that top" That one comment in that one moment meant more to me than any compliment could! I just thought, isn't it funny how God knows just what we need when we need it. It's been proven time and time again, yet still so amazing. So with all of that being said, and with my feet the size of Fred Flinstone's, my lips as puffy as Angelina's, and my belly increasing in size, in what seems like, by the minute, you can save your comments. I am FAR too busy growing a healthy human every day to be concerned with your lack of manners.
*******I'd say that was my soap box for the week, but there's more!********
So in addition to Watching what you say, I would also like to recognize the letter W as in....
W is for Water- which I am retaining at a rapid rate. Central Arkansas reached record highs this week and wow, what a time to be pregnant! Arkansas summers are no joke and dealing with it pregnant sure has taken a toll on my hands, feet, pretty much everywhere. I guess I've never really had any swelling in my body so it's very foreign to me but I've quickly been educated on the matter. This week the swelling in my legs and feet started to become pitting edema which means when you press in on the top of my feet, ankles, legs, a little indention stays behind because there is so much water in the tissue. I did have an appointment this week though and Dr. reassures me that there are no other contributing factors for pre-eclampsia. So for now, it is what it is! Just swelling! Will keep an eye on it but I imagine it's just a combination of how my body handles pregnancy, the summer heat, and working 10 hour work days on my feet all day. You just gotta deal. I said I wasn't going to post a picture because who really wants to see that, but it's getting so honestly ridiculous I'm starting to consider it.
W is for willpower-what it takes every time I try to open a bottle or jar because like my feet and toes, my hands and fingers don't work like they used to due to the above stated W.
W is for waddle ; ) -The pregnant woman walk I've all but adopted.
W is for waiting- pregnancy is nothing short of a waiting game and while I'm more than anxious to meet her, I'm scared too! For the challenge that comes with it. And the responsibility of giving her a full and complete life.
Now that I'm off my soapbox...
W is for WONDERFUL! As in the wonderful shower my co workers threw me at work. We did a breakfast shower instead of our daily morning huddle on Thursday and It was so nice. We had a great time and how could you not? Opening baby gifts is super fun for the giver and the receiver! Here's a few pictures from our morning, pardon my goofy faces! They really caught me on candid camera!
My co worker Saundra got me a little gag gift which I LOVED...a fresh bag of sonic ice in a cooler! I ate 5 cups that day!! |
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A close up! |
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Cute little cupcakes from the shower |
That about sums up the week! Thanks for listening to my sound off, and don't forget to remember your pregnant woman manners when applicable : )
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