How far along? 35 Weeks
Weight loss/gain? +40 pounds, and holding steady
Maternity clothes? Are you kidding me? Actually starting to run out of things to mix and match for outings...I'm refusing to purchase any more though!
Stretch Marks? Not yet, and hopefully not at all ; )
Sleep? What's that? I never stay still in bed anymore for longer than about an hour and a half to two at a time.
Best moment this week? Well, a few things, but the best part was seeing baby P's face on ultrasound. We did a quick one at work to check measurements and could see a little bit of her sweet face, it seriously gave me butterflies!
Miss Anything? MY SHOES!!! I officially can't wear anything other than a pair of stretchy flip flops. Blame it on the heat or blame it on pregnancy...either way, my big swollen feet no longer fit any of my shoes and I had to break down and buy a size 9 tennis shoe for work. My 8's just weren't gonna make it any longer!
Movement? Constantly! I think she is running out of room and the tighter her space gets the more she lets me know about it. We're pretty sure she's gonna come out running the way she moves, tosses, and turns
Food Cravings? Still on the ice and this week I've been an ice cream FIEND! I've just had the craving for it all the time. Ever walk down the ice cream aisle and wish you could sample every one that looks good? Yeah, that's been me times 200, the only thing that honestly stops me is I'm a cheapskate and I think ice cream is expensive! If I bought all I wanted we would spend about $20 a week on a ton of ice cream we would never be able to eat!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not too bad this week
Have you started to show yet? Maybe I should just remove this question for remainder of pregnancy, cuz that's a big fat DUH!!
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? First week I guess I could actually answer yes...Started having braxton hicks contractions this week with one super intense day of them with a little pain as well. They decided to do a pelvic exam on me at work just to check and see where we were and I was actually dilated to a 1 yet with no thinning. Not much to celebrate about but I was happy to know that progress has at least started, who knows where it will go from here!
Symptoms? Swelling of the extremities like crazy, lots of braxton hicks contractions which are sometimes painful but mostly not, mostly just lots of belly tightening, in addition a random rash that has been popping up on my arms and legs, don't know if its preggo related but at this point I think everything is, fatigue for sure-I think I can fall asleep anytime, anywhere!
Belly Button in or out? Outie and pretty obviously!
Wedding rings on or off? Mostly off. Just gotten to hurt too bad
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy this week! Starting to get anxious about all the last minute details and we're still having lots of nursery fun!
Looking forward to? Tying up all the lose ends and feeling on top of things. My work days are pretty hard on me so I get very little done during the week at night and save most of it for the weekend. Which means that my pace is much slower than I'd like it to be. This makes me feel a little spacey. I'm ready to say I've handled as much as I can and just be prepared to wait. It's all starting to hit me that this is really coming to a close very soon...or shall we say, the beginning is closer than we think!
This week at 35 weeks we celebrated the 4th of July holiday! Most years, our summer holidays are spent at the lake soaking up lots of sun and often times camping with all of our besties, not so much for this year. First of all, the holiday fell on Wednesday which meant we worked Mon, Tues, off Wed, back to work on Thurs, and I also picked up a day at the hospital and worked Friday. So not much time for plans. In addition, I started having BH contractions and pain on Monday afternoon after a long day of work. For curiousity reasons, the nurses who were taking great care of me talked me into getting a pelvic exam where we found out that I was a solid 1 on dilation. No effacement. I had told them that I was thinking I "could" be dilated some at lunch that day as we were having baby conversation and our nurse practitioner who checked me told me she thought she was gonna have to tell me I was crazy but was surprised to find I was right! We had a good laugh about it. But they sent me home to rest and hydrate and try to keep the BH contractions at bay. All of this combined, certainly solidified the fact that I would be staying home on the 4th per my doctor. Of course I asked about going for the day as I figured it may be my last time on the boat for the summer but in the end, the little baby trumped me, foreshadowing you may say! ; ) At any rate, we had a nice relaxing day at home. We slept in, napped, and hung around the house until we went to my mom's for a delicious dinner of bbq ribs, chicken, smoked sausage, corn on the cob, potatoes, fresh vegetables, green beans, toast, and a strawberry trifle to top it all off! Soooo yummy! I loved spending the 4th with my family and my sweet nephews, they get funnier everyday. Here are some pictures from our little visit.

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Sweet little Aiden |
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One of the ONLY things these boys will eat good on, corn on the cob! |

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Yummy dinner at mama's |
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Strawberry trifle, delicious! |
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My smore's bars! Yummy! |

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Aiden loves "YAY-YO" AKA Mario!! |
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Big 2 year old and mommy |

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He loved this! Just a singing! |

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Loving for my birthday baby! |
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