Friday, April 20, 2012

24 Weeks! Baby moon here we come!!

How far along? 24 Weeks
Weight loss/gain? +20 pounds- refusing to check until next check up!
Maternity clothes? Yes!!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? GREAT! Loving the pregnancy pillow! THANKS LAUREN!!!
Best moment this week? Did a quick 3D ultrasound and took a look at her one day this week at work. Her little cheeks were so full already and she was smiling and puckering her lips. Cute cute cute!!!
Miss Anything? I miss exercise so much! And when I say that, I mean hard, swift run. Nothing better to get those endorphins screaming "Hello, remember me??!!" I also was alerted this week that I need to limit my use of flavor packets for drinking water due to the aspartame....So I will very soon be missing flavored strawberry water!
Movement? Yes! So sweet!
Food Cravings? Dessert! I'm worried about this summer and how much ice cream I may let myself eat. Not to mention the handiness of Orange Leaf being in town. Little girl will have a sweet tooth like her mama no doubt!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Oh gosh. I had one extremely sick feeling day this week, Thursday I believe, and that was pretty miserable but still no clue why and I woke up feeling great on Friday so it's a mystery!
Have you started to show yet?  That's affirmative
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? No
Belly Button in or out? In-just barely
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!!! We leave for vacation soon!!! I'm downright giddy!!
Looking forward to? Baby Moon Mexico Style!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week we leave for the big baby moon and will be spending our 25th week in Cancun! We are very excited!!! This will be my 3rd time to Mexico but my first time to stay in Cancun. We flew into the airport there when we went to Playa for our first anniversary but this year we chose to check out Cancun and see what it had to offer. We are staying at the Riu Palace Las Americas. Please pray that this trip goes as smoothly and safely as our previous travels have. I usually don't worry at all about traveling but I'm guessing motherly instinct has kicked in and I'm a little more nervous about having an extra passenger on board. Trying to view it as breaking her in early on the joys of travel but I have to admit, I am a little nervous...very unlike me. I happen to love flying and will jump on a plane anytime I'm given the opportunity. Maybe somewhat naive I guess to the possibilities??

Anyhow, I'm pretty excited about this vacation. I have never traveled this time of year and can't wait to see what the temperatures are like. Jason and I both decided this will definitely be our most laid back vacation. Typically when we travel we have a detailed itenerary for each day planned months in advance of our specified trip. We fill our days up full of activities and pretty much stay active taking in all the sights and such. Each night is also typically carefully planned for time to dress for dinner, sit down dinner (making sure to try a new restaurant each night of course until we have tasted them all), and then checking out the local entertainment for the late after dinner hours. All to go to sleep and wake up the next day and do it all over again. All I can say is, not this time!! We are basically going into this with absolutely no concrete plans, with the exception of one day which we had planned to take a ferry to the small island of Isla Mujeres. It's not that far from Cancun and we plan to spend a day there checking out the little island. I can't wait to see it. We have heard that it's so beautiful, once you visit, you won't want to stay anywhere else. I anticipate a lot of local flavor and culture and very little commercialized touristy attractions. We love soaking up the culture in a new place. It's the best way to get a feel for what life is like somewhere else. The last time we were in Mexico, our absolute best day was the day we rented a car and drove around Cozumel. Stopping at local beach bars, historic sites, and public beaches just makes you feel like you are getting the full experience. So other than that, we literally have nothing planned. Lots of relaxing on the time schedule...maybe some shopping. Just plain ol' taking it easy! I may never come back : ) after all, once I come back it's time to kick into overdrive on all things baby. Nursery, registering, making decisions, and picking things all seems so overwhelming!

I don't know what it is about this seems to have me doing some soul searching just a bit. Maybe it's the planning of the trip and feeling nervous. Or maybe it's that with this week, 24 weeks. I realized that that means 6 months pregnant. Most women gauge a pregnancy in weeks and we all but forget about the months. When I started to think about 6 months pregnant, I immediately thought about how much time left. 3 months roughly....3 MONTHS.....seriously? Just so hard to believe. Hard to believe that in just 3 months life won't ever be the same anymore. Our normal will be long and forgotten and traded in for a new normal.  This got me to thinking about all the roles we play in life. Seems like when I was a child, the only role I had to fill was to be a daughter/granddaughter/sister. I tried to be the best at those roles that I could possibly be. I'll be the first one to say that I wasn't always successful. Actually probably more times I wasn't than I was. When my sister had Brady, suddenly, the most important job was to be an aunt. The best aunt that he could ever have. I took it so seriously, and still do : ) Then I got married...time to be a wife. What? I don't know how to be a wife. But I learned, I learned how to be a wife, a partner, and a best friend. I learned that marriage really IS hard. But has more rewards than you could possibly put a price on. I learned that God knew exactly what he was doing when he led Jason and I together. I see it in little clues all the time. How did he know just exactly what I needed? It's amazing to me how we are each led to the perfect person  So now at 24 weeks pregnant, and still 3 months to go, I'm suddenly starting to realize that it won't be much longer until I am a mother. A mother, how wild is that???!!! What frightens me even more is that the decisions in her life will be left up to me and Jason. Gosh... I just THOUGHT Auggie was a job in his self! There are so many times when I know we are making wrong decisions when it comes to Auggie as to how we let him pretty much get away with anything and everything. But I just chalk that up to the fact that he's an animal and  no big deal right?! Clearly, not the attitude to take when dealing with a mini human. Oh me oh my, do we have a big job in store for us. Just a peek into what's on my mind this week. Why? I have absolutely no clue! But I promised to be open and honest in this blog and I always keep my promises!!!

Week 25 post coming one week late as it will hopefully include all things Mexican! Please pray for our safe travels and NO SUNBURNS! Dr. B says pregnant women sunburn easier, and Lord knows I can do that JUST fine all on my own!  I also plan to have whatever I want to eat in the 25th week so the bump may be out of control on the next post. Sorry little girl, mama is taking FULL advantage and cashing in on her unlimited access pass.  Happy week to everyone!!

Cheers and Mexico sun-and all the desserts I can eat hehe,

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