Sunday, April 15, 2012

23 Weeks!

How far along? 23 Weeks
Weight loss/gain? 18+ pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes!!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? Not the greatest
Best moment this week? Calling her by name, sharing with friends/family/patients. Our little girl finally has an identity. Getting the room completely clutter free and having a blank canvas sure does top the list also....just don't ask me where I stashed all the "junk" that I don't know what to do with!
Miss Anything? Same ol' thing! But feeling her move like crazy constantly and dreaming of her makes ya forget all the small things!
Movement? Yes! So sweet!
Food Cravings? Sweets, fruits, and Mexican!! I've GOT to stop making desserts, it's not working in my favor!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really other than all the junk I had over Easter weekend, I think that's what caused me to have a very nauseous day on Wednesday. 
Have you started to show yet?  That's affirmative
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? No
Belly Button in or out? In-hanging in there
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy but moodiness kicks in every once in a while, I can't lie...and Jason won't : )
Looking forward to? Baby Moon!!!

We had a super busy week it seemed this week. Of course, the normal busy work week is a given. In addition to that I also worked an extra half day on my day off at the hospital for a little extra money. Still building upon my baby stash. For the weekend, Jason had made plans to work on the boat and that consumed most of his time. I got a fair amount of house cleaning done but no cooking : ( what can I say, sometimes you gotta choose! I've pretty much accepted the fact that my new work hours allow me little to no chance to cook. Which makes me sad. And if I don't cook on the weekends, and who wants to do that anyhow, it kinda leaves me just not cooking at all. If anyone has any helpful hints I'm all ears. I just pretty much refuse to start a complicated meal at 6pm at night when I get home. Sorry, not how I wanna spend the few hours I get at home in the evening. Granted, cooking brings upon a certain level of satisfaction for me but sometimes it's just too much to take on at such a late hour. Not to mention the fact that by the time I make it home at night I'm generally just short of dying of starvation, no I'm serious, STARVING!!! Thank goodness Jason gets home a little earlier and is willing to help out some. Anyway, enough on that rant. Maybe I'll figure out a solution one of these days.....

Back on task...oh yeah, weekend! We also went to our annual crawfish boil with our friends. We do it every year as a joint birthday event for Brandon and Justin's birthdays which happen to fall within a few weeks of each other in April. Always such a fun time and really gets the spring nice and kicked off for me! We usually get together at Brandon's and do it all outside at the pool house which is so nice for everyone to have space to do their own thing. And let's be honest, crawfish can get messy! I have to say this one of the best batches they have cooked in the many years they have been doing it. The mudbugs must have sure been in season because they were a nice size and the boys seasoned them really well.  Here are some of the pics of our night.

Nothing like a big ol' crawfish boil and some baggo! Jason's birthday gift has already paid for itself in use, I see lots of baggo in our future this summer, well....everyone else's future, I've already proven time and time again that I'm definitely made to be a spectator for any sporting activity no matter how simple. It's seriously embarrassing how bad I am, but that's ok!

Speaking of sports, this weekend,  I also got to watch my favorite big boy play some T ball for the first time this year!

Really great weekend for the Otwells, busy, but great! I can't even imagine how much busier we will be next year but I guess things always have a way of working themselves out!

Cheers and beach dreams,

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