How far along? 28 Weeks
Weight loss/gain? +25 pounds- A little more than I care to admit but it is what it is!
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? Sleeping pretty great, especially after a long day at work
Best moment this week? Registering! Happy to have that behind me, and I feel way more on top of things having it done.....and of course, entering the 3rd Trimester!!! YA HOOOOOO!
Miss Anything? Being able to go at my normal pace and endurance without breaking down. It's hard to be physically restricted
Movement? Lots
Food Cravings? This week I had a new craving, fried chicken. Can't tell you when I've last had fried chicken, but KFC sealed the deal on that.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I don't know if it's just all of my organs being pushed up high or what but I've had several new run ins with nausea and upset stomach. A couple days where it was pretty miserable
Have you started to show yet? The bump expands every single day!
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? No
Belly Button in or out? Officially out this week, ha!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Relaxing at the lake next weekend and seeing how well I do camping with a kid on board : ) I'm hopeful!
IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN......dunna da dun dunna dun dun dun....
Yay for third trimester!!! I say that almost bittersweetly, yay AND yikes!!! I'm excited, and scared too. I think I'm mostly scared. My first layer of nervousness starts with her room....Literally, I have almost NOTHING done. I have plans, just haven't carried them out. I so promised myself I wouldn't be last minute on her room. I just knew I would be itching to get started on it. And of course, I have been BUT you know me and the old decision making process, not the best of friends!! Any day! So making decisions has totally held me up. I keep thinking oh, once I get this piece or that piece I can make more decisions. I am just hoping that once we get going it'll just go full speed. I kinda do that on projects, hard to get them started but once I do, I'm pretty focused about finishing them. So it looks like we'll be running out the clock at the last hour. I pray for more reasons than one that she doesn't decide to come early. Honestly just getting that room cleaned out and finding places to put stuff took the longest. But no excuses now! It's time to get busy. I'm starting to make decisions and feeling good about it.
Speaking of decisions, I also went and registered this week!! YAY!! Ok, let me just tell you. People have been asking me when I was going to register for weeks now. My response, I don't know how to register! And for a baby, I really don't. How in the world, out of that whole big store of baby stuff, do you know what you do and don't need as a first time mom. Well, I'll tell you, ENTER experienced mom shopping partner!! From the first time Jason and I walked into Babies R Us, we knew we didn't stand a chance. SOOOO, I refused to go unless my fearless best friend Jessica agreed to join me. She's had two kids and the second only four months ago. Combined with the fact that her and I are very similar and pretty much think the same, I knew she would be a valuable resource! So we made a date to go and register and BOY was I glad to have her! She made it so painless and organized. We went to each individual section and she explained what each thing was and why I would or would not need it. She also answered all of my questions and checked off each section on our little list as we went through the store. It was like having my own little help section right there handy! So convenient and I definitely enjoyed the experience more than I expected to. I had honestly been dreading it because I hate making decisions, I'm always afraid I'm making the wrong one, on top of the questions I had just based on my lack of knowledge about things and what were the best as well as the most useless items. So know I feel like we have a good outline for what we will need for at least the first year. I plan on using the registry list as my equipment study guide. Of course I've had no problem picking out all her clothes, shoes, accessories, and anything in the general cute-factor category. But the essentials were definitely way above my head. And man are there a lot of essentials...I just couldn't believe it! Really put it all in perspective for me. It'll take quite a few supplies to start this baby's little bitty life. Hard to believe now that I was overwhelmed with all the maternity clothes I had to buy...Tip. Of. The. Iceberg. I tell ya!
Jason and I also ventured out on a little date this week! It was so nice to go out and have a great meal. We discussed how soon it won't be so easy to do things like this. So we agreed to try to do it as much as we could in the next few months. Not like you can stockpile dates to make you feel better about your lack of later, but it still makes for good memories! We went to one of our favorites Brave New...which just NEVER disappoints! We ate outside to enjoy the great weather and beautiful view of the river. Thanks for the suggestion J, it was a perfect night!
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View from our table. Jason's beer and my pineapple and sprite : ) |
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Happy Times! |
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The most amazing chicken I've ever eaten...YUM!!!! |
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Jason's steak, still delicious yet didn't compare to my chicken, maybe I'm partial due to my red meat aversion! |
Well, third trimester means this journey is gonna start winding down before we know it. Stay tuned and keep following us, it's likely to get LOTS more interesting! HAHA!
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