Weight loss/gain? +25 pounds- A little more than I care to admit but it is what it is!
Maternity clothes? Yes! Stocking up on lots of maternity shorts, it's gonna be a scorcher here
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? Sleeping pretty great, especially after a long day at work
Best moment this week? Experiencing my first mother's day and getting super sweet treatment from my main squeeze and my main pooch!
Miss Anything? Bending over without groaning! ha! Sad but true
Movement? Lots
Food Cravings? All things dessert. Strawberry shortcake topped my list this week but I tried to make it healthy with angel food cake, fresh strawberries, and a lightened whipped cream. Mmmmm!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really, just heartburn every day all day!
Have you started to show yet? The bump expands every single day!
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? No
Belly Button in or out? In-just barely
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Getting her room ready and organized, my mama is coming to help me as soon as she gets out of school, I need an intervention, seriously!!
This week we celebrate mother's day. I guess, this is technically my first Mother's day but will definitely seem more real next year when we are chasing behind our little girl as opposed to planning and anticipating her arrival. Even still I couldn't let this week pass without noting this special day. Thinking about it really made me realize how much we owe to our mothers. How we would not be here if not for them. I've also been told that once you have a child you will realize how much you respect your mother. I am sure that would be putting it mildly.
We've had a tough week at work with a couple soon to be mommy's facing their worst nightmare and losing babies they were expecting. Being 27 weeks pregnant I can't help but keep these women and babies on my mind. Most people think since I do ultrasound, and primarily OB ultrasound, that my job is always fun. And of course I love my job, and yes there are so many happy moments that I just get a thrill out of being a part of and sharing with a family. But there are also very many sad moments, and hard days. Times when the last thing you want to be is the person that discovers someone's biggest fear and disappointment. Days like these we just wish we could take all the pain away. Like that moment when something goes wrong and you really don't want to believe it's true. I have to admit that there are a lot of times when I just don't know what to say or how to comfort. Even more so now when I'm obviously pregnant. The bottom line is no one can take the pain of a loss away, all you can do is comfort and be a hand to hold or an ear to listen with. I always try to talk to my patients if they want and answer any questions that are within my knowledge area. All the while respecting the boundaries of my job as most things just need to be discussed with a doctor. But every single time I'm in that moment I have to prepare myself for what might be coming. So my heart truly aches and sympathizes for all those women who have ever lost a baby before they were able to meet them, the women who want nothing more than to be a mother and can't seem to get there, and the women who are carrying babies and praying everyday for their safe arrival. I know I for one pray for this little one every day. Often times I may go a little while without feeling her move and find myself not exactly panicking but wondering if she is ok. It seems like almost every time that happens, I get to thinking about it for a minute or so and it's not too much longer she gives me a real swift kick or subtle movement. Almost as if to say, it's alright, I'm still here. I have to know that is God's way of easing my mind through her movements. As the general public we take for granted healthy babies because we don't know or understand the amount of unhealthy babies or pregnancies out there. Once you are aware, it sure is an eye opener! It really leaves me dumbfounded and in disbelief of the women who carry babies and do not take care of themselves or their bodies while they are growing that little life. All I can reason out of it is selfishness or vanity or maybe they just don't know how blessed they are that God chose them to grow a new life. Just some things that make you wonder. And all things that I have to remember myself when I'm feeling extra uncomfortable or extra large. I thank God that he blessed me with life and the ability to grow new life. There are so many things about pregnancy that amaze me but probably the number one thing is the way God designed our bodies to change and adapt to the miracle of life. It's certainly something we should all be grateful for. Whether you've experienced it yourself, or someone went through it for you. It's all part of that master plan!
So here's to you mama's! And mama's to be! And mama's who want to be, I hope all your dreams come true sooner rather than later!
We had a wonderful mother's day with our mothers. We were able to celebrate with each one individually and enjoyed the opportunity to visit. I made a yummy cheesecake to take to Jason's mom's house for dessert and I had to take a picture, I just thought it was beautiful. And I love beautiful food. Thanks to my friend Amy for the great recipe!

I also made a chocolate chip pie to take to my mom's house but no picture because I forgot and we ate it up so quick like a bunch of pigs! Haha, it was great too!
And for mother's day for me, Jason and Auggie were super sweet to me. Jason usually always gets me a card "from Auggie" which is special enough in itself (and maybe slightly disturbing to some as we treat Auggie like our son) but this year he did a little extra and said that when you have two kids you get two presents : ) So this is from him and Auggie.....

Just exactly what I am going to need for camping this year! Sitting upright for a long time is not that easy anymore and now I will be able to lounge while we are sitting around the fire and such. I was thrilled over this and then Jason pulled out another small gift and told me that Presley ordered it from the womb, ; ) yes, it's true, we're super cheesy!

Isn't it beautiful? It's my monogram and I totally love it! Southern girls love anything monogrammed and I am definitely no different.
On another note, I took my 3 hour glucose screening this week and passed!!!! Yay for no gestational diabetes. Not even gonna lie, I treated myself with a cupcake that day. It was Nurses week this week and let me just tell ya, the food was abundant at work. Once again, I need an intervention. I think that's about all I can drum up for this week. Until next time : )
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