How far along? 26 Weeks
Weight loss/gain? +25 pounds- A little more than I care to admit but it is what it is!
Maternity clothes? Yes!!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? Pregnancy Pillow makes me look forward to sleep!! But I have been having some super strange dreams. Very vivid.
Best moment this week? Getting back in the groove of things and resuming normal routine.
Miss Anything? Ahhhh....vacation : (
Movement? More so now than ever!
Food Cravings? Well...sugar...but I'll explain more below!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not at all, except over eating!
Have you started to show yet? The bump expands every single day!
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? No
Belly Button in or out? In-just barely
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Making final decisions on nursery and registry items! And Lake Time SOON!!
Ok, so here's the catch when you plan on taking a big pregnant vaca...DO NOT plan on letting all your inhibitions go by giving in to every craving and come back with a scheduled OB visit, which includes a glucose screening test and plan on passing said screening test! You are simply setting yourself up for failure. Take it from me. When we returned from vacation I had my glucose screening test set for Wednesday of this 26th week. Needless to say I didn't quite pass it. I guess I wouldn't say I bombed it since I only missed it by one point but it was enough that Dr. B set me up for the 3 hour glucose tolerance test! Ugggh..not exactly what I had planned but so be it. In addition to that , we started measuring my fundal height this week and found out that I am measuring one week ahead. Dr. Breniman and I were discussing birth weight and I mentioned to him that Jason and I were both pretty large babies (him at 9 pounds even and me just one ounce shy of 9 pounds), Dr. Breniman just laughed and said, "Well, given that family history...she won't be in the 6-7 pound range" LOL, yeah, we already knew that! We also feel like we will be lucky to get her in the lower 8s. No matter what, I'll be SHOCKED if she weighs 8 pounds or less (hence the theme of this weeks chalkboard) What can I say, we grow em big in our family! Hopefully making for a happy healthy baby! The number one goal! All of this combined made me a little curious so I went to my ultrasound room and threw on the two measurements I was able to do myself at this point and I could loosely tell that she is measuring about a week ahead as well....and she has chubby little cheeks too : ) Bless her! I can't wait to meet her!
Being distracted by my Mexico post I forgot to include that end of week 25/first of week 26, we celebrated our first baby's birthday, my Auggie man! He turned 3 on April 29. I don't know if it's the maternal instinct kicking in or maybe just worry that Auggie will fall to the way side once the baby is here, but something has made me extra clingy to him lately. Yes, of course, he drives me nuts often but I can't help but love him like crazy. I know we are gonna have WAY less time and attention for him and I think it makes my heart hurt a little. For three years we've put all our energy and focus into things for him and it would be totally unrealistic to believe that could still continue. The way he acts like we are just one little pack of dogs all on the same hierarchy level cracks me up. I pray he adjusts well....and straightens a few small non baby friendly habits, I guess we have a little work to do. So for his birthday he always gets a special yummy treat and a new toy from Just Dogs. This year we got a birthday cookie and frosty paws ice cream. And his toy was an indestructible rubber thing that sorta resembles a frog. I think he had a good day! Hey what can I say? A shopaholic never misses an opportunity for a celebration, or an excuse to purchase for that matter!

Spoiled baby!! Just love him!

I did the same thing with Gauge before Adler was born and the poor guy has had to endure receiving less attention and being scolded a bit more because he's not always careful around baby. Justin and Kate, who also are in love with their puppy dog said it best though. They told us before the baby your dog is your baby. After your baby, your dog is your dog. Sad but true...and necessary. Anyway love reading your weekly updates! :)
ReplyDeleteSo perfectly stated Lauren! I may need some help with this transition, scary but just the way it is I know. Funny how we do treat them like babies before we had the real thing!
ReplyDeleteYou look so good!!
ReplyDeleteOur little Tugg gets just as much attention as he did before. He sleeps in the bed, goes on every vacation we go on, rides in the car and goes to grandma's on Sunday. Haha. He's a spoiled dachshund. I just love him. I think it's what you make of it - just like anything. Either way, Auggie is spoiled now and I bet it'll stay that way. :)