How far along? 29 Weeks
Weight loss/gain? +25 pounds- A little more than I care to admit but it is what it is!
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? Sleeping a lot less through the night these days!
Best moment this week? Short work week and heading to our favorite place! THE LAKE!!!! Also, a fun little 3D session of our sweet P!
Miss Anything? This list just keeps growing. This week I wish I could get through simple tasks without feeling totally dead!
Movement? Lots
Food Cravings? Technically a non food item but I just started eating ice like a mad woman. I seriously cannot get enough of it!! And I typically HATE ice, would prefer a drink without it.
Anything making you queasy or sick? I don't know if it's just all of my organs being pushed up high or what but I've had several new run ins with nausea and upset stomach. A couple days where it was pretty miserable
Have you started to show yet? The bump expands every single day!
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? No
Belly Button in or out? Kinda out, kinda in. It looks sorta funny!
Wedding rings on or off? I had to stop wearing my wedding band : ( Still able to wear my engagement ring though. Hanging on as long as possible!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Getting some chill time at the lake!
It's official!! It's finally lake time! We made our usual Memorial Day camping trip this weekend! Definitely something we look forward to every year. We talked this weekend about how long we had been doing this and everyone re counted how old they were when they first started going. I think I was 17-18 when I first started making the camping trip and have been every year since. For me, a trip to the lake is what kicks off the summer. We also laughed that in the past couple of years, every memorial day, one of the ladies has been pregnant, obviously my turn for this year. I will be the first one to say that I think I may have underestimated how I would feel this far along in my pregnancy. I really thought it would be no different. Just a little extra belly to deal with. Boy, was I wrong on that one! First of all, yes, there's definitely a belly, but I don't think I accounted for the amount of fatigue that would hit me up. It was much much harder to do my normal camping routine tasks. Things like cooking meals, keeping the camper clean and picked up, and even simply going up and down the steps constantly just wore me down. Add to that the extreme Arkansas heat and you wind up with quite a bit of swelling. So after handling most any activity such as cooking, cleaning, or just a full day on the water in the sun, it was about all I could do just to get my feet put up and elevated. I definitely took as many precautions as I could and had lots of amazing help from my sweet friends but it sure was more than I anticipated. Thankful that I did have such great help from my hubby and girlfriends. They pretty much wouldn't let me lift anything heavy (even though I tried with my stubborn self), tackled as much as the prepping and cooking as possible so I could rest, and someone was always there to help me up and down a boat ladder or in and out for loading and unloading. Blessed to have all of them. Even all the boys were beyond considerate and helpful! All in all we had a great time, I realized I'm not as swift as I usually am and I also had swelling like you would NOT believe!! But I would not have missed it at any rate! Here are a few pics from our fun weekend, I definitely did not take as many as usual as I had a lot more to manage but I tried to get a few anyway.
Ready for a day in the sun |
Robby's girlfriend rocking wakeboarding her first time ever behind a boat! She loved it! |
Jason wakeboarding |
Catching air |
Justin came right up too on the wakeboard |
: ) getting a little slippery |
Robby's turn |
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Jason took this pic of me pulling our boat and I had to share, I was quite proud that I got it there in one piece |
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Jumping wakes and showing his skills |
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Jason wake surfing! OMG this looks so fun!! |
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LOL, so fun! |
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Having a blast! |
I also have to add a few important pics from this week! First of all, in the baby department, we were able to do a little 3D session at work this week! My mom is a patient at the clinic where I work and she came in for an appointment so while she was there we took the opportunity to take a peek at our little girl and see what she was up to in her 29th week! What I can say she is definitely up to is getting big!! We could already tell she is going to be a little chunky monkey and we just love it!! She already looks so cute and I must say, I definitely see sweet little rolls in her future. I could just squeeze her cheeks already! In case you didn't know, we have big babies in our family, it's just the way it is. And it definitely looks like P will be no different. I COULD be surprised, but I'd be shock if she was any less than 8.5 pounds. Just taking a guess here. It was so great to have my mom there when we did the ultrasound! I think she was really surprised and enjoyed the whole thing. This is what our girl looks like at 29 weeks.
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She already looks so cuddly! |
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Trying to stick her tongue out and smile! |
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Grinning! |
Cutie huh?!!?? I love her so much already, seeing her in these pics really makes me start dreaming of her even more!!
And last but certainly NOT least.......we attended my first love's pre-K graduation....typing this seriously makes me want to boo hoo! Hard to believe my little Bray Bray will be going to Kindergarten in the Fall. He is just too big!! His little graduation was very cute and I couldn't be prouder of him...even if his new favorite topic to discuss is Aunt Nay and her "big ol belly" as he would say! Cracks me up, then he quickly follows it up with something super sweet such as, "Aunt Nay, I can't wait to meet your baby" LOVE. IT!!!! I'd say he'll definitely have her back when she gets bigger! So congrats to you my precious nephew, you'll always be the baby in the family in my book no matter how big you get!!