Monday, June 4, 2012

30 Weeks

How far along? 30 Weeks
Weight loss/gain? +30 pounds- Plus some swelling : ( would love for this to disappear but it's obvious the summer is upon us!
Maternity clothes? Yes! 
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? Sleeping a lot less through the night these days. I'm averaging getting up 2-3 times a night
Best moment this week? Working on the nursery full force!! I'm loving seeing it piece together!!!
Miss Anything? Let's just say that 30 weeks makes you realize what a different person you are. I'm dealing.
Movement? Lots, could be what seems to be making me sick from time to time.
Food Cravings? Lots of ICE, sweets, and fruit. Honestly, I seem to have sort of lost my appetite more times than not...except for sugar...always say yes to the sugar! 
Anything making you queasy or sick? I must be having reverse first trimester symptoms....suddenly certain strange smells make me queasy, I've had random bouts of all day nausea, and of course I'm just tired all the time!
Have you started to show yet?  The bump expands every single day!
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? No
Belly Button in or out? Kinda out, kinda in. It looks sorta funny! 
Wedding rings on or off? I had to stop wearing my wedding band : ( Still able to wear my engagement ring though. Hanging on as long as possible!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy except on days I feel sick or have limited mobility..then I tend to get a little irritated. Somethings are just hard to understand. Like why I can't tackle things as usual. In my head it seems far too early to be so debilitated but  I've been told it's totally normal!
Looking forward to? Finishing P's room! Having the most fun with it right now!!!

Well this week we really started getting our hands dirty in the nursery!! I have been BEYOND stressed that I've let it get this far behind so close to my due date. When I found out I was pregnant, the VERY first thing I got the most excited about was being able to design a nursery. I love home decor and have been dreaming for years of how I would do a nursery. Designing a room for a little person, just seems sooo fun!! I just knew we would start on it the very day we found out the gender! Well, I guess, once again, I didn't know myself that well. It took me forever to make decisions on some of the most important things such as the actual color scheme, crib, etc. Not to mention it was a chore just to get the room cleaned out. So of course once it hit me that we are only a big 10 weeks away from due date, I totally panicked. Not surprising to myself of course. I'm a big fan of dragging and dragging my heels and then freaking out at the last minute. And as usual, Jessica came to my rescue and reassured me that we had more than enough time and not to worry...little secret...I still worried. Well, she definitely made me eat my words on that. On one little weekend I feel like we got so much done! On Friday my mom came up and helped me get organized. Every single time I would go into that room and see what else I had to relocate from the closet I would literally about start crying and just walk out. No clue where to put all this stuff we've been storing in there forever. Enter mother!!! She is wonderful at things like that and doesn't get intimidated at all, much unlike her frantic daughter. So I had to be patient and give her time to get done with school so she would have a little extra time on her hands. On Friday she came up to help me organize and store mine and Jason's stuff and find a place for the stuff I've collected for the little one. Basically what this meant was a lot of closet organizing and re locating. So we spent all day Friday doing just that and boy was she amazing! She didn't mess around at all about getting rid of things or finding the perfect place for the stuff to keep. It really felt nice to find a great place for all of those question marks.  We also got quite a bit of little P's clothes hung up and organized by size. We purchased bins and organization for the closet and I even found my guest bedroom   getting a total overhaul as she found a place for all of the stuff in that room as well. I could finally see the floor of my beautiful new guest room I just re-did, since the nursery took over the previous guest room. Aren't mothers great? That's just what they are there help you out when you just wanna throw your hands in the air and lose it. We were very proud of our work and the lovely stack of "stuff" we created for Jason to haul to the attic! He was equally thrilled : )  Now, if all that wasn't enough, as soon as my mom had to leave to head back home I get a call from Jessica saying she is on her way down for us to start painting furniture....YAY!!! The fun continued! I was a little tired but no complaints at all because I was so happy to be getting things accomplished and even more ready to see the vision starting to fall together.  So Friday night and most all day Saturday Jessica, Jason, and I, mostly Jessica and Jason : ), worked super hard and made some major headway.Of course, no pictures now, but I am dying to show it off once it's all complete! 

That's about the highlights for this week I'd say. Also good news, my swelling went down tremendously!! I feel SO much better and can really tell a difference. I've been told to enjoy it because it's about to go back to being the norm from here on out when the temperatures go back up! All I can say is, just 10 mo'!

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