My baby is 9 months old...eek....where did the time go? I cannot believe that the same amount of time that it took to grow her in my belly is equivalent to the amount of time that we have been holding her in our arms in real life. What a wild 9 months it has been. With each passing month and each milestone I have diligently tried to soak up every sweet moment. I find myself taking a moment to literally breath her in. I never could have imagined how happy she would make my life. And I really never knew how insanely addicted I could be to one tiny munchkin. When they say it's like falling in love all over, that's no joke. With that being said, she is BY FAR my favorite subject and of course I could go on and on all day. I try to be courteous and keep that to a minimum though, when I can possibly help it = )
So 9 months old, AND WE HAVE A CRAWLER!! I don't know whether to laugh or cry. For one, she is just growing up too quickly for two, trying to get her to stay still for even a split second is like a literal act of congress. As you can tell from her monthly pic above. Here I was thinking she would just lay perfectly still for her little perfect monthly photo and I quickly found out that, HA! What was I even thinking.
So I'm thinking that this way may be the preferable picture taking position...
I think this may be more do-able. So along with the crawling comes the baby proofing. We haven't done really that much other than the standard outlet covers and cabinet locks are coming. This is the part I was so not looking forward to. I desperately need to find some more functional way to baby proof because I HATE those stupid outlet covers. I literally nearly have a fit trying to pry them off and most times I just have to have Jason do it. Whoever said that babies were supposed to make your life functional though right?
On the note of the little mobile baby, not only does she crawl fast and I mean really fast...but literally right after she started crawling she immediately started pulling up. The other day I even noticed her doing some light "cruising" around the table. By the way, typing these facts literally makes me want to lie. My big girl! I have to admit it, I do get a kick out of watching her crawl as fast as her chubby little arms and legs will take her and then watching the look on her face as she pulls up on something, she is just too dang proud of herself. She is quite the vocal baby as she yells as loud as she can, for no reason really, as she slaps said object used for pulling up.
Maybe it's due to all the changes she is going through but I feel like I'm more amazed by her now than ever. I honestly spend a whole lot of time just staring at her and still having a hard time believing that we created her. That she literally came from us. All I keep thinking is wow, God is amazing. Doing Ultrasound every day lets me see babies in so many different phases of life. It's nothing short of miraculous what God does in our lives. I mean think about it, two people create a person who is a perfect mix of mom and dad complete with little tiny bones, organs, muscles, and a beating heart. Truly a miracle!
Speaking of's a little photo tour of mine = )
First time riding in my shopping cart cover at Target! |
Helping mommy work at the Women's Expo |
A little paper reading with daddy |
NOT digging my new bow |
Spending time with my big cousins, my protectors! |
Shopping and funny faces |
Afternoon movie with my cousins again! |
P baby learned how to take a sippy cup and loved it! |
Here mama, ya need this? |
Wearing shoes for the first time! |
Baby jail, it's what happens to crawling babes |
Let me out of here!! |
Beautiful day for lunch on the patio |
Ready for a run with mom and dad |
Napping hard |
We got to celebrate Auggie's 4th birthday! |
Presley had sweet treats to share with him |
Mama and her babies |
P was a little bit of an Indian giver : ) |
Sweet P got her first ear infection, at the doctor but still smiling! |
Story time with mommy |
Mommy and Daddy also had some fun adult outings in this month:
Derby Day! |
Annual crawfish boil for April birthdays! |
And just for keeping it real purposes, I thought I would include some 9 month photo session out takes : )
Mucho happy baby love to all!!!
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