Monday, October 1, 2012

Presley-Month Two

Well naturally I'm late and playing catch up again but all that matters is that it's getting out there. Two whole months?? Where has the time gone? Well like I said before, after adjusting to month one, month two has kept us extremely busy. Mama and Presley have developed quite the little routine and are pretty scheduled on a daily basis. Pending of course, weather we are home or on the go. Presley here are some of your two month highlights.
* As you can see from your stats you are a growing little girl! About average on all your stats but Dr. Holmes would like you to get your calories up (whoah, hard for me to believe too 9 pound baby)
*Mommy was happy to finally understand why most of your bows don't fit your head, no wonder, you're in the 18% for head circumference! But we love your tiny little noggin!
*Mommy and daddy have lots of nicknames for you therefore it's very rare that we refer to you as Presley. Most of your nicknames are derived from your initials PMO. The most popular ones around the house are P, P-MO, MO MO, or just MO. Uncle Robby also created P-Mo-Ski, and we use that one as well!
* You are developing quite the little personality and mama and daddy just love it! You are smiling big and starting to babble at us.
* You are still exclusively breast fed and mostly only nursing. Mama has only left you a few times so not that big of a need for bottles except when we are out on the go or when daddy wants to give mama a night to sleep well.
* And speaking of bottles, you are not the least bit picky where your milk comes from, you will just as easily take a bottle as you will nurse.
* You absolutely love motion and swinging and it's pretty much a necessity for restful sleep for you, as is your swaddle blanket.
* You go everywhere with mommy and do wonderful! We go on lots of errands and shopping trips nearly everyday and many times you would prefer to be out and about as opposed to at home. You are your mother's child my dear : )
* You LOVE LOVE LOVE your nursery. Although you don't sleep in there yet, every time we go in for changes of diapers and outfits, you look around in amazement. Your favorite place is your changing pad and you love to lay on your back and kick. Scooting upwards is also a favorite of yours. You get so proud of yourself!
*You are extremely strong and love to use your leg muscles and stand in people's laps while being held by your hands. Uncle Robby says you will walk before you crawl and he likes to do baby squats with you ; )
* On a less happy note you have an extreme amount of acid reflux which you get so honestly from your mommy and the Roseberry side of the family, also where you get your quick little temper and lack of patience..we are far from perfect baby girl! We are treating your reflux with Zantac and it's working well for you!
Like I said before, two months has gone by much quicker than I ever imagined. In the time that Presley has been with us I've had so much time to think about things and have been forced to have my eyes opened to some pretty harsh realities. When you become a mom I guess you get an unofficial invitation into "mommy community". One thing this means for me is that I feel like I am increasingly aware of and exposed to several sad baby stories. I ran across a blog about a baby named Avery who was diagnosed at 4 months with an incurable, life threatening, actual fatal disease SMA (spinal muscular atrophy). Avery lived to nearly 5 months before her little life was ended way too soon by this terrible disease. I read this blog and could only think of how I desperately wanted to go hug the family, wishing I had the power to bring take their pain away and bring back beautiful Avery, healthy and happy. I've listened to the news and cried hearing about babies who's lives were taken due to shaken baby syndrome. Terrible. And recently my heart has been heavy for the loss of a local news anchor who left behind a beautiful wife and daughter, another Preslee. I do not know the Turner family personally but I pray for their strength and healing. This is not even to mention all of the families who lose babies before they are ever even given the chance to know them. It just happens more often than we even realize. I cant even think about how I would deal with any of these tough situations. And I am in awe of those who have had to figure that out. Some people may say this is dark or even hard to read. And why dwell on such sad stories? It's these stories that bring me so much closer to my baby and help me to realize how lucky we are. I thank God every night that she is healthy and here with us. I pray hard that he never calls her home too early and that our family is never forced to be separated. This reflection also makes me realize that time is precious and tomorrow never promised. If you think this post is sad and "glass half empty" you may not even want to read Month 3 post...when I get ready to head back to the working world and have to face leaving my baby every day when being with her everyday seems like the only normal to me anymore. Oh geez...I may be all but mad at the entire world and ready to let it all out.
For now I am choosing to focus on the positive and cherish every moment with her. Less than a month away and our days are dwindling down. I know our situation could be so different. We are lucky for all of the blessings in our lives. I have to keep that at the front of my mind to help me get through.  Bringing it back to happy, here are some of my favorite Two Month Presley moments caught on camera

My first Hog attire

Good morning bright eyes!

Playing with daddy
Daddy taking me and Auggie on a walk
Woo Pig Sooie
I got all snazzy for Mason's birthday party

Calling the hogs getting pumped!

Big smiles while having good dreams

I love riding close to mommy in my peanut shell

Keeping a close grip on my wubba nub

The first time daddy got me laughing

Mommy was jealous so she tried to make me smile too!

Daddy put me in PJs too small : ( silly daddy

Mommy likes to dress me in her favorite big girl brand Juicy Couture!

Having fun in my bumbo
I get dressed for the hoggies every single Saturday!

Me and my puppy playing on the bed with dad

On my way to two month appointment and....shots : (

The before and after, me and mom cried together
I was happy, I was sad, and then I slept it off!

Mommy's big two month girl

What an angel, love this sweet smile!

Presley you are truly a gift from above, mommy loves you more and more everyday and I can't imagine one day without you.  We grow closer every day and you bring so much happiness to my life. Thank you for making our lives better!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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