Sunday, July 29, 2012

38 Weeks

*****As most of you know, I am a little late posting this and our little baby O has already arrived,  but I had already been working on this post prior to her arrival and just couldn't leave it out. Here is the last weekly post in the Presley Pregnancy Timeline, hope you enjoy!

How far along? 38 Weeks
Weight loss/gain? +37 pounds, lost a few pounds at this weeks appointment! YAY!
Maternity clothes? OHHHH YEAHH!
Stretch Marks? Not yet, and hopefully not at all, we're almost to the end here!
Sleep? What's that? I never stay still in bed anymore for longer than about an hour and a half to two at a time. Between waking up randomly for no reason, to waking up worrying over the.most.random. things, to bathroom breaks, to waking up for contractions....clearly there is very little time left for the physical act of sleeping
Best moment this week? Weekly doctor appointment duh! It's my new thing to look forward to! To be honest, that's about it! This was a tough week emotionally for me!
Miss Anything? I miss so much from pre pregnancy, but on the other hand, the fact that we are going to start our family and meet our little girl in a month or less trumps all of that!
Movement? Constantly! This chick wants out!
Food Cravings? Still chomping ice, morning chocolate milk ritual, and I'd all but trade all my meals in on steady servings of sweets and carbs!! Who am I? Never have I been a big bread fan till now!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not too bad this week, just get super full super fast and pretty much anything makes me have reflux
Have you started to show yet?  Maybe I should just remove this question for remainder of pregnancy, cuz that's a big fat DUH!!
Gender? Girl!

Labor signs? Braxton Hicks contractions still, which sometimes keep me up at night, all night one particular night. Of course, no consistency yet to make them true labor. I'm also sure that baby has made the drop this week! I could tell almost instantly even though I never felt a lightening feeling. This weeks exam showed me to be a 2 and 80% effaced, Dr. B could also feel her head and the bag of water so we know her head is pretty much, I ask, What's the hold up sister???

Symptoms? Super swollen of course and just general 9 month pregnant uncomfortable. I guess you could also say reflux and heartburn are pretty much at a high. Maybe soon she'll drop on down and relieve a little of that pressure.

Belly Button in or out? Outie and pretty obviously! 
Wedding rings on or off? Off, I've given up!!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy for the most part but moodiness sorta took over this week, one day in particular was just horrible where I cried all day.
Looking forward to? Having her in our arms safe and sound!

Ok so like I said, as I finish up this post, I must include that Presley has already made her arrival...She arrived before I was even able to make a 39 week post so 38 weeks is our last official picture/weekly update. There is so much to share on her birth story, one week in pictures, and then there's that dang nursery post that I am determined to make to include all of the details bit by bit. As I get to all of that I just couldn't leave out our last official chalkboard week and all of the details from that week as well. So please read below in past context, haha. More to come soon!

38 weeks-whew, what a toughie for me. Dealing with lots of uncomfortableness, sleepless nights, anxiety for whats to come, I'm ready!...wait, I'm not ready! Such a roller coaster. At any rate, here are this weeks highlights...
We started out the week with another Sunday outing with lunch at Big Orange and  to go see The Dark Knight Rises at the Imax. I LOVE the batman trilogy and have been waiting for this to come out all summer. I knew it was gonna be a super long one and multiple times I squirmed in my seat with my 38 week pregnant self but it was definitely worth it. Me, Jason, and Robby made a day of it and we were all really happy with the movie as well as the lunch choice...Big Orange, YUM!!!
The next day, Monday, at work was super horrible, I'm not even gonna lie. I had been up all night long with contractions and had gotten no sleep whatsoever. Mondays at work are always a little extra challenging as I am by myself at the clinic and don't have my trusty sidekick Saundra to help me out. Generally I make it ok because you just gotta buck up and do what you gotta do. This day, not so much! Maybe just the surge of hormones and emotions coupled with no sleep whatsoever, but whatever it was, caused me to cry almost all day long! The first time this has happened in all of pregnancy. I kept thinking of how I was so tired of hurting and then feeling guilty for being so selfish. All I could think of is how I was just so ready to have her here and meet her in person. Tired of waiting with my impatient self. Tired of waking up every morning thinking it should be the end and it's not. And mad at myself for trying to take control of something that I have absolutely no control over. So that night I went home, cried the entire 25 minute commute from the clinic parking lot to my driveway and drug myself inside and got right in bed. Thank goodness for those moments of peace, what will I do when we have #2 and #1 refuses to let me rest/relax after a tough day of work.....ugh, that's for another day....another day far far down the road. I didn't make it to bed without having one of these little bad boys to treat myself.
YUMMMMMMMY! My lovely little Jessica sent me her daily text of "Anything??" which decoded to "Are you in labor? Any progress?" and after I totally unloaded my bad day on her she went and bought me 3 of one of my favorite little treats and dropped it off at the front desk at work for me. I cried all over again when I went to the front to pick them up. Petit Fours from Blue Cake Company. It's what we had at my baby shower and they sell them from the bakery case daily...DELICIOUS!!!! In the pic you only see 2 as I couldn't wait to take a pic before I gobbled the first one up! Thank you Jess, me and Presley love you, and the little happy certainly brightened our day!

Last big event at 38 weeks was my sister's birthday! Randi's birthday is July 30 which fell on a Monday so we celebrated on Sunday at my moms with a delicious dinner of bacon wrapped hamburger steak, twice baked potatoes, fresh corn, homemade bread, green beans, and pasta salad. Mama also made a strawberry pie per Randi's request and got her a delicious birthday cake. We had a great time stuffing our faces and celebrating Randi's birth. How lucky I am to have a sister, I already hope Presley has a sister some day. Such a special, irreplaceable bond. We love you so much Randi and hope your day was perfect!!
Randi's fabulous cake
Mama and her sweet sweet man!
Little boo waiting on some cake
Bath time at Nettie's-always a huge hit!
Brady like the jets and lots of bubble but it scares A so he gets out and lets Brady play at  the end

LOL, more bubbles than you can imagine!!

Well, the very next day, Monday July 30, Randi's actual birthday, started 39 weeks. And on that evening I went into labor with Presley. So no 39 week picture but oh what a story!! I can hardly wait to share her birth story, reliving it in my mind gets me excited all over again! More posts this week!

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