How far along? 32 Weeks
Weight loss/gain? +32 pounds, and the swelling is back...geeez! I knew it was too good to be true!
Maternity clothes? Every day
Stretch Marks? Not yet, still fighting them as long as possible
Sleep? Most definitely a thing of the past. This week I've been up most of the night either visiting the bathroom, moving Auggie out of my space while hanging on to the edge of a king size bed, or trying to relieve the soreness and aches in my back...Fun huh?!? lol
Best moment this week? My Baby Shower!! For sure! As well as starting two week appointments at the OB! Just a countin' on down!!! And we took some fun maternity pics this week that I'm very excited to see how they all turned out!
Miss Anything? Ankles and endurance tops the list this week!!
Movement? Constantly!
Food Cravings? More ice (as I am typing this I am reminded that I would like a big glass as a matter of fact). I also had a strong mexican craving this week, solution= Friday night dinner at On the Border!! YUMMY!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing this week! Little girl behaved herself in that division this week!
Have you started to show yet? The bump expands every single day!
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? No
Belly Button in or out? We have an outie!! It shows through most of my clothes!
Wedding rings on or off? I had to stop wearing my wedding band : ( Still able to wear my engagement ring though. Hanging on as long as possible!
Happy or moody most of the time? This week was a busy week but a happy week. Having Jason back home got us back on routine and we got to resume life as normal picking up where we left off in the nursery and preparing for the baby shower. Who wouldn't be happy about that!!
Looking forward to? Feeling better, if that's possible! And making more nursery progress!
This week we had my first ever baby shower! Oh yay!! How fun! I have attended and thrown many many baby showers so I have to admit I was little over excited that I would finally be able to open and play with all of the cute littles and pretties for myself. I have to say, baby stuff is WAY more fun than wedding stuff! Don't get me wrong...I LOVE my kitchen and most any time you can thrill me to pieces with a brand new kitchen gadget or appliance. But, the fun thing about baby stuff is you are envisioning all of this stuff for your new little baby and how they will look wearing it, playing with it, or just generally putting it to good use! We had a wonderful shower and I can't even believe I have friends who love me enough to go all the trouble they did! It was beyond cute and I wanted to put it all in a little box just to save and keep forever : ) We got so many great gifts that I know Miss Presley is going to love!! Let's just say that thanks to our family and friends I don't think she will ever be hurting in the style and comfort department. I could have just died going through all of the tiny little cute girly things! So much fun! Here are a few pics from Presley's big day!
The yummiest petit fours I have ever eaten!! With little P's cute little monogram! SQUEAL!!! |
My girls! This group has been inseparable since we were little girls! |
Me and my FANTASTIC hostesses! Love each of them so so much!! |
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The shower loot! We felt the love fo sho! |
Saturday was obviously a huge day for us but Sunday brought a new big celebration also, Jason's first "Father's Day"....I know we aren't "technically" parents yet but it was still fun to celebrate and even though she is not here yet, we have already been faced with many parenting type decisions for her! To be honest, we didn't really have to much planned for the day other than Jason had planned to paint and work on Presley's nursery some more. I let him sleep in and enjoy his morning while I worked on a few things around the house and made more nursery decisions. That afternoon as he got to painting I ran to the grocery store and got all the things to cook a big dinner of chicken spaghetti, salad, homemade biscuits, and we had some frozen fried pies to heat up for dessert. I think he had a pretty good day and we had a fantastic meal!

I just couldn't let this holiday pass without noting how excited I am to see my husband as a father. One of the VERY first things I noticed about Jason when we met and said to myself is I knew he would be an AMAZING father. It was, along with many others, one of the reasons I knew I wanted to marry him. When I initially thought about how I wanted to word this post, I thought I wanted to record all of the small things Jason does for me that make him so special to me. But then I realized that was better saved for another time and today I wanted to note all of the ways I know he will be so special to our daughter.
I have to say, Presley, you are one lucky little lady to belong to such an incredible man. I can't wait to see you two together and see all the things he will teach you and share with you. I also know that you two will be very close, he is a wonderful listener and problem solver so don't ever forget that, it will mean more to you than you can even imagine when you are older. Another thing I want you to know is that some people are just born with an instinct of knowing what other people in their lives need, this is one of your daddy's strongest traits. He picks up on things that most wouldn't, myself included, and often times knows what you need before you even have to ask for it. This trait is also what made me know from day one that he would make a perfect daddy to little girls. Let's face it, girls are needy, and we need ALLLL the help we can get. I can also tell you that this man already loves you quite a bit. I can see it in his eyes when we look at you on ultrasound, when we talk about you and how life will be living with you, and even when I bring in yet another bag of clothes for you and show him how small and tiny....the smile on his face is irreplaceable. There is not one other person on this earth who could love me more than him and he has treated me nothing but wonderful since day one, I can ONLY imagine how much that love will be magnified for you. Just so you know Presley, I had you in mind when I chose him and we have dreamed about you since the day we said I do! I pray that we, together, have taken all the right steps forward in preparing for you and hope that when you look back on your life, a very long time from now, you are more than happy with the decisions that we made. And in case you ever have trouble figuring it out...he is the grounded one, much unlike myself, and if you are anything like me, he'll spend the rest of his life working to keep us both sensible and on solid ground. But I know he'll do it with not one complaint, and that's pretty special!
Happy Father's day to all the wonderful father's out there! It's got to be a pretty tough job not always made easy by the female counterpart!
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