**excuse the pic this week, had to utilize the old iphone when I decided I was too tired to be troubled with recharging the camera battery!
How far along? 33 Weeks-and SERIOUSLY...JUST the size of a pineapple I ask?? That was rather questionable to me for this growing belly I keep seeing below me!
Weight loss/gain? +35 pounds, and the swelling is back...geeez! I knew it was too good to be true!
Maternity clothes? Every day, although I am happy to say the dress in this picture is actually a size Large that I bought last summer on MAJOR clearance. When I say major, I mean regular price $98, on sale for $9.99. It didn't fit me last summer but I knew we would be trying to get pregnant soon so I definitely couldn't pass on it! And with that being said, I miss shopping!!!
Stretch Marks? Not yet, and hopefully not at all ; )
Sleep? Once again, sleep just isn't what it used to be. I sure do miss that. However, I have realized that if I stop eating ice about an hour before bed I tend to get up a lot less for bathroom visits...duh Kelly!!! Easier said than done.
Best moment this week? Mom and I had another very productive Friday working on the room organizing and putting away all of the shower gifts! Jason finished a very BIG project in the nursery. And I made decisions on a rug and curtains! Eeek!!! Progress!!! I LOVE IT!
Miss Anything? Any normal activity that I used to do which I no longer can. Jason and I took Auggie for a walk around the block one evening and I was shocked how differently a walk is now compared to before pregnancy....actually, scratch that, compared to even just 10 weeks ago!!
Movement? Constantly! Dr. B says, active in the womb, active out of the womb! We could be in trouble!
Food Cravings? Just Ice...and as much as I can get. Had my iron checked twice to make sure it wasn't low and it came out good! In the meantime, I just keep crunching on. I might also add that we are now stocking our freezer exclusively with Sonic ice by the bag. I've managed to find which ones will sell it and it's now at least a once a week stop, sometimes twice!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Woke up in the middle of the night over the weekend with a pretty bad stomach cramp and I'm almost sure it might have been a Braxton hicks contraction but it went away and I haven't had any problems since. Maybe just a fluke!
Have you started to show yet? Um yeah, and some people sure don't fail to comment either....
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? No
Belly Button in or out? Still rocking the outie. Have to share a funny laugh regarding just that. I cover my belly button with tape sometimes when my shirt is a little thinner and the other day in the car Jason reached over and touched my belly as we were talking about Presley and all of a sudden he quickly jerked back his hand. I looked at him funny and he kinda shrieked, "Your belly button feels WEIRD".....I just started laughing and said, "I have tape over it" We just both died laughing at his obvious state of shock in thinking that my belly button had not only grown out but also mutated texture. Oh my!
Wedding rings on or off? I had to stop wearing my wedding band : ( Still able to wear my engagement ring though. I'm sure that's about to go too. The heat and swelling is so bad I've just about shed wearing my watch and can barely manage to get my bracelets on also
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy on days I feel good. I'd say there were probably more good days than bad this week!
Looking forward to? Meeting my baby. I daydream about her all the time now. What will she look like? Lord knows Jason and I are completely different personalities, whose personality will she have? I pay lots more attention to mothers with newborns and just really can't believe that we aren't that far away from being a family of 3 + an Auggie (can't forget my main man!)
33 Weeks and counting. Seems so unreal that we are really this close yet it also seems so far away. There are still so many loose ends to tie up and at this point I just hope it comes together in a timely manner. I know it's not the most important thing but when life gets busy with work, etc. it also seems to sneak away from you. Basically any time of year is busy for us, for most people I'm sure. Trying to work a full time job, run a full time household, set aside time for family and friends, maintain relationships and responsibilities, squeeze in any extra unforeseen circumstances...well all that alone can make ya crazy. And it's just the way that most of our lives work. I keep telling myself that if I still worked part time I would most definitely be way more accomplished at this point and maybe be able to enjoy that "nesting" phase I hear so much about from pregnant women. But sadly that's not the case so it seems like the only time I have to get my head together and work on anything is the weekend. Not a big deal though, I know we will get there. I'm just getting a little inpatient.
One of the biggest things we did this week was to attend a breastfeeding class which I signed us up for. I love that Baptist provides classes for your choosing to help get your feet wet if you are that type of person who needs it, which I surely do! I kind of missed the boat and waited too long on getting in for the child birth class but my doctor and I both agreed that the breastfeeding would be more beneficial anyhow. Not that I feel I am well informed and ready to go by any means but it sure helped to get some exposure and I liked having Jason there so the teachings would fall on both sets of ears. This is something that I really want to be successful with yet I also know how challenging it is going to be.
I don't think there is too much else to share this week. One thing is for sure, the summer heat is here for sure. Most days my legs/feet average about 3 times their normal size. I'm pretty sure this is the norm from here on out. It's just so hard to deal being that it makes it literally painful to be on my feet all day. But...you just gotta suck it up, as harsh as it may sound. I don't think it'll get much better so might as well just deal. One cool thing happened this week...our glider chair for the living room came in!! I was so excited as I had taken forever to make a choice on it and we have had an empty space in our living area for weeks. We choose a glider for the living room as we realized that when we are rocking the baby we may not always want to be shut in her room separate from company or whatever.....and of course, the TV! After much searching we found one I was really happy with looks wise and I think it fits the room well also once we got it in. Jason took his first seat in it and immediately approved it as an appropriate game day watching chair..lol...we'll see about that.

Now all it needs is an ottoman which I already have ordered.
Oh, in other big Otwell news, this week we took Auggie for his first therapy session......YES, I know we all agree he needs therapy, but Auggie was actually administering therapy. Not sure if I have included this in the blog but back in the winter Jason and I decided to enroll Auggie in training classes to become a certified therapy dog through Therapy Dogs International (TDI). Being certified through TDI, Auggie is allowed to go visit patients in hospice care in order to bring joy to them and their families. He's also allowed to visit children in schools and underprivileged areas though we haven't tackled that just yet. Jason and I were offered this opportunity and it became such a big deal to us as it more than hit home. About a year and a half ago, we lost Jason's grandma and spent about a week or so, somewhat waiting for the end while she was in hospice care. Going through that kind of process is grueling and tough on the mind and the body. We thought of how nice it would have been for the family to have a little burst of happiness every now and then. And so begins Auggie's journey as a certified therapy dog! For our first visit we went to the Hospice Inpatient care facility on the top floor of St.Vincent's hospital. We visited a few families and really had a good time. I think Auggie really enjoyed it and of course, he got lots of laughs! It felt good to spend our Saturday to bring a smile to others.

And last but certainly not least, I must share with you the HIGHLIGHT of my weekend.....
Yep, it's dessert of course, but isn't it beautiful??? This is the yummy peach cobbler I made for Jason's grandpa's birthday lunch on Sunday. I literally could have eaten the whole thing myself! When I was trying to decide what dessert to make, my mama reminded me that nothing says Southern Summer like a peach cobbler with ice cream....and I'm pretty sure she was right ; )
Happy week everyone!! Stay cool, we all know we're in for brutal weather from now till oh....ummmmm.....mid October???!! : )
How far along? 33 Weeks-and SERIOUSLY...JUST the size of a pineapple I ask?? That was rather questionable to me for this growing belly I keep seeing below me!
Weight loss/gain? +35 pounds, and the swelling is back...geeez! I knew it was too good to be true!
Maternity clothes? Every day, although I am happy to say the dress in this picture is actually a size Large that I bought last summer on MAJOR clearance. When I say major, I mean regular price $98, on sale for $9.99. It didn't fit me last summer but I knew we would be trying to get pregnant soon so I definitely couldn't pass on it! And with that being said, I miss shopping!!!
Stretch Marks? Not yet, and hopefully not at all ; )
Sleep? Once again, sleep just isn't what it used to be. I sure do miss that. However, I have realized that if I stop eating ice about an hour before bed I tend to get up a lot less for bathroom visits...duh Kelly!!! Easier said than done.
Best moment this week? Mom and I had another very productive Friday working on the room organizing and putting away all of the shower gifts! Jason finished a very BIG project in the nursery. And I made decisions on a rug and curtains! Eeek!!! Progress!!! I LOVE IT!
Miss Anything? Any normal activity that I used to do which I no longer can. Jason and I took Auggie for a walk around the block one evening and I was shocked how differently a walk is now compared to before pregnancy....actually, scratch that, compared to even just 10 weeks ago!!
Movement? Constantly! Dr. B says, active in the womb, active out of the womb! We could be in trouble!
Food Cravings? Just Ice...and as much as I can get. Had my iron checked twice to make sure it wasn't low and it came out good! In the meantime, I just keep crunching on. I might also add that we are now stocking our freezer exclusively with Sonic ice by the bag. I've managed to find which ones will sell it and it's now at least a once a week stop, sometimes twice!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Woke up in the middle of the night over the weekend with a pretty bad stomach cramp and I'm almost sure it might have been a Braxton hicks contraction but it went away and I haven't had any problems since. Maybe just a fluke!
Have you started to show yet? Um yeah, and some people sure don't fail to comment either....
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? No
Belly Button in or out? Still rocking the outie. Have to share a funny laugh regarding just that. I cover my belly button with tape sometimes when my shirt is a little thinner and the other day in the car Jason reached over and touched my belly as we were talking about Presley and all of a sudden he quickly jerked back his hand. I looked at him funny and he kinda shrieked, "Your belly button feels WEIRD".....I just started laughing and said, "I have tape over it" We just both died laughing at his obvious state of shock in thinking that my belly button had not only grown out but also mutated texture. Oh my!
Wedding rings on or off? I had to stop wearing my wedding band : ( Still able to wear my engagement ring though. I'm sure that's about to go too. The heat and swelling is so bad I've just about shed wearing my watch and can barely manage to get my bracelets on also
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy on days I feel good. I'd say there were probably more good days than bad this week!
Looking forward to? Meeting my baby. I daydream about her all the time now. What will she look like? Lord knows Jason and I are completely different personalities, whose personality will she have? I pay lots more attention to mothers with newborns and just really can't believe that we aren't that far away from being a family of 3 + an Auggie (can't forget my main man!)
33 Weeks and counting. Seems so unreal that we are really this close yet it also seems so far away. There are still so many loose ends to tie up and at this point I just hope it comes together in a timely manner. I know it's not the most important thing but when life gets busy with work, etc. it also seems to sneak away from you. Basically any time of year is busy for us, for most people I'm sure. Trying to work a full time job, run a full time household, set aside time for family and friends, maintain relationships and responsibilities, squeeze in any extra unforeseen circumstances...well all that alone can make ya crazy. And it's just the way that most of our lives work. I keep telling myself that if I still worked part time I would most definitely be way more accomplished at this point and maybe be able to enjoy that "nesting" phase I hear so much about from pregnant women. But sadly that's not the case so it seems like the only time I have to get my head together and work on anything is the weekend. Not a big deal though, I know we will get there. I'm just getting a little inpatient.
One of the biggest things we did this week was to attend a breastfeeding class which I signed us up for. I love that Baptist provides classes for your choosing to help get your feet wet if you are that type of person who needs it, which I surely do! I kind of missed the boat and waited too long on getting in for the child birth class but my doctor and I both agreed that the breastfeeding would be more beneficial anyhow. Not that I feel I am well informed and ready to go by any means but it sure helped to get some exposure and I liked having Jason there so the teachings would fall on both sets of ears. This is something that I really want to be successful with yet I also know how challenging it is going to be.
I don't think there is too much else to share this week. One thing is for sure, the summer heat is here for sure. Most days my legs/feet average about 3 times their normal size. I'm pretty sure this is the norm from here on out. It's just so hard to deal being that it makes it literally painful to be on my feet all day. But...you just gotta suck it up, as harsh as it may sound. I don't think it'll get much better so might as well just deal. One cool thing happened this week...our glider chair for the living room came in!! I was so excited as I had taken forever to make a choice on it and we have had an empty space in our living area for weeks. We choose a glider for the living room as we realized that when we are rocking the baby we may not always want to be shut in her room separate from company or whatever.....and of course, the TV! After much searching we found one I was really happy with looks wise and I think it fits the room well also once we got it in. Jason took his first seat in it and immediately approved it as an appropriate game day watching chair..lol...we'll see about that.

Oh, in other big Otwell news, this week we took Auggie for his first therapy session......YES, I know we all agree he needs therapy, but Auggie was actually administering therapy. Not sure if I have included this in the blog but back in the winter Jason and I decided to enroll Auggie in training classes to become a certified therapy dog through Therapy Dogs International (TDI). Being certified through TDI, Auggie is allowed to go visit patients in hospice care in order to bring joy to them and their families. He's also allowed to visit children in schools and underprivileged areas though we haven't tackled that just yet. Jason and I were offered this opportunity and it became such a big deal to us as it more than hit home. About a year and a half ago, we lost Jason's grandma and spent about a week or so, somewhat waiting for the end while she was in hospice care. Going through that kind of process is grueling and tough on the mind and the body. We thought of how nice it would have been for the family to have a little burst of happiness every now and then. And so begins Auggie's journey as a certified therapy dog! For our first visit we went to the Hospice Inpatient care facility on the top floor of St.Vincent's hospital. We visited a few families and really had a good time. I think Auggie really enjoyed it and of course, he got lots of laughs! It felt good to spend our Saturday to bring a smile to others.

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Auggie and his therapy dog group |

Yep, it's dessert of course, but isn't it beautiful??? This is the yummy peach cobbler I made for Jason's grandpa's birthday lunch on Sunday. I literally could have eaten the whole thing myself! When I was trying to decide what dessert to make, my mama reminded me that nothing says Southern Summer like a peach cobbler with ice cream....and I'm pretty sure she was right ; )
Happy week everyone!! Stay cool, we all know we're in for brutal weather from now till oh....ummmmm.....mid October???!! : )