How far along? 21 Weeks
Weight loss/gain? 14 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yep! Replacing wardrobe items daily it seems!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? Not the greatest BUUUT... a good friend of mine is going to loan me her pregnancy pillow! YAY!!! I can't wait!
Best moment this week? Feeling her move like crazy, and matching what I see to what I feel when I scan myself
Miss Anything? You know the drill. My clothes : ( It's pretty depressing to plan an outfit in your head, go to your closet to get it and it all falls apart...reformulate, head back to the maternity section. This weeks breakdown was over a pair of capris. Ridiculous I tell ya!
Movement? All the time
Food Cravings? Sweets and fruits.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really.
Have you started to show yet? YES!
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Baby Moon, Yearly crawfish boil, and Lake time! In that order exactly.
I'm not one for countdowns, they can definitely be annoying when they are like one hundred plus days out but, I couldn't resist. So, here goes, since it's April 1st.......21 days until the baby moon (woo hoo!!!), 53 days until lake season officially begins (the BEST time of year), and approximately 126 days until we meet Lil' O! Those are definitely the highlights on my list and I plan on spending most of my days preparing for each of those events individually. After the big due date we will start looking forward to the return of Razorback Football!! I am personally already ready to start counting down to that. Partly because, it's one of the BEST times of year, and mostly because by the time we get to that point we will be holding our little hog cheerleader in our arms! I'm already pumped about decorating her in hog gear!
We had a BIG week this week. We really got down and dirty with cleaning, organizing, clutter chunking, and getting little missy's room cleared out. I made the decision to sell my single girl bedroom furniture and in turn sacrifice my girly guest bedroom to the little one. I had actually made a transformation on this room that I had planned on posting but that's obviously a rather irrelevant post seeing as though this room doesn't exist anymore. I still have the pics though so I thought I would share. This is what the room looked like in my single girl apartment as well and I pretty much re-created it when I moved it into our house.
I then changed the bedding and snazzied it up like this
So now the bedding set has gone to another home and is going to be a fresh start for a sweet little couple who are to be married in September. So this room will be the nursery and our other room AKA as Jason's man room becomes the new guest bedroom. I am SOO loving what is going on in there, I can't wait to post the finished product but I've got a little more work to do in there.
As for now, here's the start to our "clean slate"
Hardly clean and we have a lot more spring clean out to do in that corner there but the treadmill and mattresses have already moved to their new home next door...soon comes the next task, sacrificing the closet for her. Yes of course, I use this closet as well as the one in my master bathroom....maybe we can share for a while?!!?! We'll see!
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