How far along? 25 Weeks
Weight loss/gain? +20 pounds- refusing to check until next check up!
Maternity clothes? Yes!!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? Pretty great, feeling more like the first trimester when I was tired all the time
Best moment this week? Spending the entire week relaxing on the beach and not worrying about errands, groceries, cooking, or schedules
Miss Anything? Spending the week in Mexico at an all inclusive resort makes this question seem pretty weighted...let's just skip it and I'll sum it up with, YOU KNOW!
Movement? Yes! So sweet!
Food Cravings? This particular week, ICE CREAM! Maybe it's the constant access to make your own ice cream cones all day every day. I was also introduced to real Mexican coconut ice cream. So so yummy! I don't even care how piggish it makes me sound, judge all you want, I didn't hold back ; )
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not at all, except over eating!
Have you started to show yet? That's affirmative
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? No
Belly Button in or out? In-just barely
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to? Getting started on little girl's nursery
Well as I mentioned before we spent week 25 in Mexico on our baby moon! What an awesome trip we had. I think there were so many people who did not understand why we were choosing to travel and take a vacation at this point. We got several funny looks when we said we were going to Mexico on vacation mid way through the second trimester of pregnancy. Maybe people thought we would be too limited and unable to enjoy ourselves. Maybe it seemed like bad timing or just plain unusual. I too had my reservations right before we were set to leave but I have to say that I quickly put all those reservations aside and realized that this was an EXCELLENT idea after all. Yes, we were limited in a sense. Yes, I was super bummed that there would be no zip lining or River climbing, and I would be required to watch for extra sunscreen and extra swelling in the warm Mexican temperatures. And of course, I was definitely not allowed to let loose and relax as much as one might hope for on vacation : ) BUT....I had one wonderful week away from work and daily schedules where I ate yummy 3 course meals 3 times a day (ok, ok, I know I'm gonna pay for that one, I'm ready!), laid in a beach chair with a few good books a nice breeze and the sound of the ocean, I napped intermittently throughout the day, got to see the beautiful island of Isla Mujeres which was a treasure all it's own, and the hardest thing I had to do every day was shower, put on makeup, and get dressed up at night to go to dinner and see some pretty great entertainment shows as far as resort entertainment goes. Basically, what I'm saying is, this vacation was all about total pampering, and what, I ask you, is better for pregnancy than pampering?? Pretty much nothing! SOOO, if you get a chance to take a pre baby, do nothing, all means, take it!! We definitely enjoyed it.
This vacation was certainly significant for us for one more pretty big reason. While in Mexico, we took a nice big look around and realized that this was The. Very. Last. carefree vaca for us as a married couple. This would make the last time we would pick up and go without either A. a baby(s) in tow or B. the worry of a baby(s) at home waiting on us. That's kinda big in my opinion. We are so used to dreaming up whatever vacation or simple weekend plan we want and just making it happen, asking no ones permission or role in what we want to do. Not anymore sister!! I think that's a huge reason why we booked this vacation. We knew this. So maybe this was a last stab at living the selfish life. The life where it's all about us. One things for sure, it won't ever be that way again. And we're ok with that! We've had our time and now it's time to dedicate that time and our focus to raising little baby Otwells and teaching them all of life's most important lessons. And for the hard times, as I'm sure there may be at least one or two : ) I hope we'll have these selfish times to look back on to bring us down to earth and make us realize what's really important and in the present.
So naturally I took a bajillion photos but I have limited myself to listing 2-3...or maybe 4-5 from each day for the blog. There are just too many to post and I could go on and on about Cancun but honestly there isn't too much to tell as to what we did to keep our time busy. If you want to know what kept us busy, read the Hunger Games Series! Because both of us were all kinds of sucked in all week! We had mini book reviews at dinner every night, mostly for Jason to answer my questions because he reads faster than me and read ahead. And after you get started on it, you'll wish you had one whole week to dedicate to's THAT addicting!
So here's Sunday, April 22nd, the day we left
Our Room |
Our View |
Heading out to dinner on our first night |
First of many desserts!
Day 2 Monday April 23
Beach morning |
Pool afternoon |
Following Katniss through District 12 |
Headed to dinner |
Dinner at Krystal Fusion Gourmet |