Here it is, the post I have pretty much been dreading since the day Presley was born! She's 3 months old....I can't even believe it, her first major milestone I guess you would say. Pretty sure nothing will make you wish you knew how to build a time machine like having a baby. Here's what's going on in Presley's world lately:
- Of course, you are still unbelievably strong. Most especially in your legs. You LOVE to stand up while mommy holds your hands. I can put you in a sitting position and lean you forward just a bit with a hand on your chest and back for support and you will literally stand right up on your own, no lie! I totally think you will be a gymnast someday.
- You laugh and smile more and more everyday, but we are ready to hear some big giggles to go with those big smiles
- You like to sit up in your bumbo for short spurts and play on your playmat here and there. When you are in a good mood you get a kick out of batting and kicking at the little toys.
- You are rolling over to one side but not quite mastered that full roll yet! Anytime now though
- You are still exclusively breastfed but we are considering introducing some formula to see how it goes. You will be going to daycare soon and we are little worried if mommy will be able to keep up to you while at work all day.
- You are sleeping pretty much all night, from about 10-5 or 6 am and then up to eat and then you go right back to sleep for another 3 hours. Not perfect, but we are definitely happy!
- You are now officially sleeping in your room in your crib. Granted, this requires you to be swaddled up and listening to your sound machine all night long but, whatever gets the job done. Putting you in your room was super hard on mommy but we definitely had to make the move sooner rather than later
- You LOVE LOVE LOVE to be naked or just rocking a diaper. Changing clothes is your favorite until we put on a new outfit. You love to kick around and have mommy play with your tummy and your little feet....(we sincerely hope this behavior doesn't present itself later in life...that might cause a bit of worry for your parents ; ) )
- You spent your first night away from mommy a few weeks ago while mommy went on her annual girls trip with Aunt Randi and Nettie. This was super hard for mommy but the break was well over due and you had a blast staying with Daddy at Nana's
- Shortly after that you spent your first night away from mommy and daddy so we could go to a concert that we had bought tickets for nearly a year ago (which was supposed to happen in March and was rescheduled to October), this was harder on mommy....I cried the whole way back after dropping you off, yet again though, you had a fun time with Nana and Pa and everything went great.
- Your first Halloween! On your 3 month birthday! You were the sweetest baby owl ever! Mommy was so proud!
- As far as I can tell you are super healthy and that makes mommy feel so lucky! There are so many sick babies all around us who need lots of help. We pray for them and hurt for their mommies and daddies
- Most people say you look just like your daddy and I would have to agree!
- Speaking of daycare, won't be long till that's where you spend your days sweetie, this last month mommy cries over this about once a week, and more currently, once a day
While I am extremely grateful for her growth and advancements, I'm also super sad that this little monster is growing so fast and here I am about to head back to work full time. My days of all Presley all day are about to come to a close. About month two I started racking my brain incessantly with crazy thoughts of, what can I do to work from home?? LOL. I absolutely LOVE my job and my co-workers but I have to be honest, I love my baby more. The hardest part for me is that I'm relatively sure that this is the closest I will ever be to her being with her all day everyday. Of course, I know we will always be connected but this is the end of the majority of her care coming from me. Now I have to open the door into letting other people close to her and trusting them to make decisions for her. In so many ways, I know this will be fine. I know only a bazillion mothers do it why is it so hard for me? I never dreamed it would be like this. I really thought I wouldn't have that big of a problem when it came time to returning to work, I'm such a busy person always on the go, whoever thought I would be afraid to go back into the working world? I guess to sum it up I never knew how much she would become my world. I never thought about the firsts in her life that I may miss. And I definitely never knew how much I could miss one tiny person. The thought that I will be spending 10 hours a day 4 days a week away from her eats away at me. Bottom line, I'm just gonna have to swallow big and jump right in. My mom says the dread is the worst and the hardest, I have to believe her because, after all, she's always right, she's a mom! It's not as if nearly every single one of my friends don't do the exact same thing every day, I know I'm not alone, just feels that way today! In the meantime I'm praying for peace, strength, and the ability to enjoy these days with my baby rather than focus on the hard part to come.
On a positive note, I do have to say that I couldn't have picked a better season to spend on maternity leave. I am MOST certainly a summer girl through and through...but I have to admit being off in the fall has been nice. It has allowed me to do some extra crafts I have been wanting to do, I've cooked a whole lot more, which I LOVE, and even though the temperatures were less than "fall-ish" you might say, it's not been all that bad. In fact, we have even enjoyed a few cold days snuggled up inside and so happy to not have to get out and about. I think I will miss cooking so much, with my job I don't get home till about 6 or so and its just too late to start cooking something at that hour, then wait to eat, then clean the're pretty much guaranteed to be in the kitchen ALL NIGHT LONG. Not how I choose to spend my evenings at home, no thanks! Hopefully we will figure out a happy medium!
So here's Presley's month 3 pics. And a little bit of what we have been up to:
Trip to the pumpkin patch with all the besties |
Aunt Randi's housewarming party |
All dressed up to cheer on the hoggies |
First trip to the state fair |
First Halloween! Trick or Treating with Brady and Aiden |
Precious baby owl |
Love this little baby owl |
Trick or treating stroller style |
I Workkooouttt!! |
First 3 month PJs |
Trying on my new hog hat on a cold day! |
Love my cousin Brady Bo |
Me and Aunt Randi doing some decorating |
Wearing our pink for breast cancer awareness month |
Headed to the tridelta reunion!! Presley is going to be a Tri Delt someday! |
On my way to weekend at Nana's |
Love naked time! |
Happy because I slept all night in my crib like a big girl!!! |
What's up guys? |
Play time |
Ready to trick or treat with the wild boys! |
Sweet baby owl! |
Add caption |
Getting ready to close this post and I ironically hear a much needed song. It's funny that words and lyrics can have such a powerful effect on you, of course, I broke down bawling like a baby. So to quote a man who can write and sing a country song like no other, George Strait: "Life's not the breaths you take. The breathing in and out. That gets you through the day. Ain't what it's all about. You just might miss the point if you don't slow down the pace. Life's not the breaths you take. But the moments that take your breath away.....
Presley, you take my breath away in small ways every single day and the more I snuggle you every night after bath, rock you while you relax and drift off to sleep making sweet baby sounds. and see you bright eyed in the morning ready to learn new skills for the day, I can't imagine not being glued to your side every minute of the day. Just trust me little one, I could make a river out of all the tears I cried for you. But you and I will both understand that it's time for us both to make a big step, no matter how hard. I promise to give you the best care mommy and daddy can afford for you to have. And I know once we get started it'll be's the fear that keeps us a prisoner. I will be strong for you little girl as I soak myself with tears every night after you go to sleep. I love you little owl! And I'm so proud of everything you are learning big or small. Happy 3 month old birthday Presley May, my sweet baby!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad