I can't even believe it's been one whole month since we brought home our little baby P-Mo monster! To say we are totally in love and taken away with her would be an understatement. While we have discovered that life is very different with a baby, she brings us so much joy it's hard to harp on the difficult moments.
I like to call month one, The Adjustment Phase. Trying to get used to a new routine was certainly no easy feat. There are so many new things you just can't even appreciate it until you live it for yourself. For example, the first several weeks home and being confined to the house because #1 You've never been out with a baby before and you are pretty much terrified of what could go wrong and #2 Staying home just seems so much easier. This was one thing I was pretty nervous about. I'm such an active, on the move person, never once accused of being a home body. Luckily as it turned out, I did ok with the whole staying at home thing. And might I add we had some pretty incredible friends and family bringing us yummy dinners for the first few weeks so that we didn't have to be concerned with the weekly menu. Most days consisted of taking a shower only to return to a fresh set of PJs for the day. Totally not my typical style but I found I sorta liked living like Hugh Hefner, all lounged out in my comfies all day long (minus the playboy bunnies of course...and the mansion :) ) Naturally, after a few times of getting my feet wet it didn't take long to get adjusted to the new way for outings and now me and P are on the move daily! Everything is certainly not the same as it once was but, it only took a couple times of epic fails to realize how to do it correctly for the next time.
I must also add that at my two week postpartum check up appointment I found out that I had to go back into the hospital for a D&C, which was another surgery : ( BOOOO!!! This definitely set us back a couple weeks on the road to recovery but all in all it went very smoothly. Once again, we had excellent care and a wonderful support system once we got home. We are all VERY blessed!
Like I said, month one was all about adjusting and establishing routines. Learning our new normals. Experiencing a few "firsts" with baby P and just generally wrapping our minds around this crazy, beautiful life of parenting. I thought rather than ramble on paragraph after paragraph it would be best to document this in pictures. I must say, most of our pictures have been of Apple product related technology (i.e. iphone/ipad) but, it's rather difficult to pull out your high tech camera while you are trying to juggle a baby, keep your house stocked with groceries, get decent dinners on the table, and sneak in any extra sleep you possibly can. The iphone is always reliable, always handy, and always within reach. For those extra special moments, that's what photographers are for ; ) and we did manage to get a pretty sweet newborn shoot with P when she was about 6 days old! Here are some highlights from month one!
I had to include a few pics of the beautiful flowers Presley and I received at the hospital, this one from the Greens |
From my work family at Cornerstone |
From my mama and my sister |
First sponge bath at home...and we DO NOT like it! |
Nettie gave her all her sponge baths while she was here |
Presley on the morning of her due date, almost one week old |
Love my swing and love my lambs! |
Having a newborn requires lots of naps |
For everyone! |
First trip to Target with mom and dad |
Daddy gave me a faux hawk, making good use of all that hair |
At Presley's one week doctor visit |
Not all moments are happy : ( |
Baby feet |
First time to go eat with mom and dad at Dixie Cafe |
Heading to mommy's two week doctor visit and to meet everyone at Cornerstone |
Sweet girl |
Going to my two week weight check |
Funny faces |
My first real bath! Nettie and Aunt Randi bathed me and I LOVED it! |
My big cousin Brady snuggled me when I got all clean! |
He loves her so much! |
Talking to daddy |
First time for mama and daddy to bathe me |
Headed out for a Saturday night on the town! |
At Aunt Mandy's birthday dinner, seeing all mama and daddy's friends |
First family stroll |
Presley loves to snuggle |
: ) one of my favs! |
Oh I LOVE bath time! |
Silly face! |
First time to go to the mall with mommy! |
See how mad I can get...don't mess with me! |
Look at that doggy to the left trying to get me |
Auntie Liz came to see me and spend the day with me |
Going for another lunch date |
I found my thumb! |
That pretty well sums it up for month one! Month two definitely finds us out of the house much much more! All I can say is one month down and I couldn't feel more bittersweet, I can't wait to see this beautiful life grow and develop new skills. I can't wait to watch her soak in every bit of her world around her. But at the same time, every single day all I want to do is go back to Baptist Hospital...room 201...and absolutely freeze time. It hurts my heart a tiny bit each day to see her grow as I know it only means that the days when she no longer needs me for every single thing are only getting closer. That's why this blog and my dedication to it are so important to me. I hope this will document the life of our little Presley May as she takes us on the greatest adventure we've ever had!
Presley's mama : )