How far along? 20 weeks-and if you didn't bust out into a Bon Jovi song after reading this weeks chalkboard you are not a child of the '80s and I feel bad for you!
Weight loss/gain? 14 pounds
Maternity clothes? OH YEAH!!! Dedicated a whole day trip to stocking my closet this week! It's pretty official
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep? Sleeping a little more uncomfortably, still having some back pain...and still looking for a deal on a pregnancy pillow
Best moment this week? Realizing we are halfway into this journey already. In hindsight, the first part has gone so fast
Miss Anything? Everything as usual. Most especially, shopping. And particularly, bathing suit shopping. I always usually already have 2 or 3 ready for summer at this point. Preggo bathing suit shopping, not so fun!
Movement? All the time, when her mommy finally takes time in the day to sit down and rest
Food Cravings? Sweets, sweets, and more sweets....the scales reflected that off and on this week. I'm not sure how I'll keep this at bay but I've enjoyed indulging in my cravings when I can!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really. Heartburn has been at a high this week....With all the sugar am I surprised? Certainly not!
Have you started to show yet? YES!
Gender? Girl!
Labor signs? No
Belly Button in or out? In-starting to look sorta funny might I add!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! Except I was super tired which made me rather moody intermittently this week. So tired, some nights it was actually painful to do anything prior to dragging myself into bed.
Looking forward to? The upcoming Baby-moon! Getting close!
HALFWAY THERE! WOW! Hard to believe honestly. I say in one hand this has gone by pretty fast, in another it's been just the right speed. I feel like we have taken each step little by little and tried our best to enjoy each little milestone. This blog has helped keep me accountable to that. I had an eye-opening experience this week. I received my monthly email from "The Nest" When we got married, I signed up on "The knot" which is a wedding planning tool and after your wedding you are automatically converted to "The Knot" This monthly email is just kind of like an online magazine with all things geared to newlyweds and married couples. Lots of fun tips like date night ideas, vacation getaways, good recipes for two, etc. Well, when you get pregnant you have the option to again be upgraded to "The Bump" hence receiving emails of, all things baby! I haven't taken the time to do this so since I still recieve Nest emails, I found it quite humorous to see what this months topic would be. There it was in big bold letters, "Things to check off your list before baby" Of course I was intrigued to click in and see how we had matched up to so called "list" and what our grade would be based on the recommended list of to do's. There were several things that we definitely done, take non kid friendly vacations, buy non kid friendly furniture, say yes when asked to go somewhere/do something no matter what it is. And of course lots of things I would NEVER do, such as skydiving or bungee jumping. Reading this list on this particular week gave me a lot of perspective. It made me really realize how happy I was with the timing of our choice to start a family (shall I say God's choice rather), it also made me appreciate how we spent our time pre-baby. It seems like lately we do a lot of, "Remember when we......and it was soooo fun....and so and so said....and then we......man, that was an awesome time" These strolls down memory lane make us realize how much we've grown and how much we've changed. I'm thankful for awesome memories and fun times with no regrets. I'm thankful that we spent 2 fabulous years enjoying each other and making it all about us without feeling guilty. I'm thankful we traveled. Oh how I love traveling. We have been fortunate enough to visit some pretty amazing places that we may have never seen if we hadn't made ourselves go for it because, what did we have to lose? I'm really thankful for Auggie. I know it's not nearly the same but he's taught us a lot of responsibility that surely will be useful when we are parents (disclaimer: When the baby comes, I'm relatively sure I WILL NOT be thankful for Auggie, so I'm thanking you now Augs, this ones for you). Above everything else, I feel like we have taken each step of our marriage slowly and savored every moment. I feel like we have worked toward making our lives feel "full" and I can't even imagine how much more "full" we are going to feel once little miss joins this crazy clan. I am beyond thrilled. Yet also know that we only have 20 more weeks of just us! So I plan to make as many memories as we can. After all, it'll never be the same, might as well end an era in style!
All deep, sappy, moments aside. This week I went full fledged maternity shopping with Nettie and Auntie Randi. Fun, yet OVERWHELMING. I'm the kind of person who buys things as I need them, not all at once for one whole season. Since I wear scrubs to work during the week all I really need are weekend clothes so I just buy as the occasion fits. Well, this trip included stocking up on basics, a few dressy materials, tops, bottoms, etc. etc....My mind was a little blown. I'm pretty sure at one point my sister was asking me what I wanted out of a certain item and I said, in a rather exhausted voice, "I don't care, whatever yall think, yall just pick it out for me." And I must say, she did exactly that. I was pleasantly surprised when I went through my bag at home. I just cant handle too many decisions all at once!
Also on our shopping day I got to eat this...
Mmmmmmm...fantastic! I heart big orange! And here is my goodie bag from the day!
And here's who insisted on assisting me.
This weekend couldn't have been any prettier! Just made you feel happy to be alive! I so heart spring! And this is how we felt when it ended on Monday morning!
Me too Aug, me too! That's it for this week! I hope to make another non baby post this week to show what all we have been doing to this old house! Some really fun stuff going on here!
20 weeks=half baked!!!